When Yahweh speaks, how do we know? Scriptures reveal Yahweh's way. But is there a moment in today's timing when God says anything? Yahweh did not stop speaking; Yahweh now engages His creation differently. A servant named Seersgate endured thirty years in novice placements to better understand a prophet's way of living. These messages are from a portion of her training seasons with Yahweh. Please note that these messages are freely given throughout our work, and sharing these books is to build the Kingdom.
Come Back to Me
August 4, 2010
Message from the Lord
Yahweh says:
Write about how people have turned away from Me, Susanna, and how they have gone after other gods. Write how they have become unfaithful to Me, an adulterous generation. They want My hand but not My face. They seek the gifts but not the Giver. They have become lazy, satisfying their own needs, neglecting to seek Me first.
What do they expect? Do they expect Me to be close when they dishonor Me? They must write My Word on their hearts. Stop giving Me lip service. I am the God of all. I must come first. There should be no other gods before Me, yet people have their homes and their lives overshadowed by idols. The idols are as dung in My eyes. Their offerings to Me are as dung because of their association with the world.
No more. No more can they praise Me with their lips, and their heart is far from Me. No more. I do not receive these offerings. I do not receive them. They want to win in their lives, yet they are turning to horoscopes instead of the One True God. How can I honor this? How can I? My people have turned from serving Me. They are serving false gods. Their hearts have been consumed by the things of this world.
My heart aches for My people. My heart longs to love on My people in such a way where there is freedom in their lives, breakthrough, and deliverance from the traps of the enemy. My heart longs for this, to see My people get back what is already available for them. What is available is My heart. My heart is available. My heart. My heart longs to connect with their hearts. My heart longs for intimacy.
Hear the longing of My heart. Hear My heartbeat. My children, My heart is crying. My heart is longing. My heart is longing for fellowship with you. My heart is longing for intimacy with you. Come back to Me. Come back to Me, and let Me be your First Love. Come back to Me. I want to shower My love on you. I want to shower My heart on you and give you good things and see you healed and see you restored and renewed. I want this.
Turn away from your sin. Turn away from the cares of this world, from the false gods. Turn back to your First Love. Come back to Me, My love, My beloved, My precious ones. Don't stay in rebellion. The time is short. The time is now here for true repentance. The time is now here for true repentance.
Hear My heart. Hear My heartbeat. Let us beat as one. Search for Me. Seek after Me. Look for Me. Seek Me, and you shall find Me. I am here, longing for our reunion. I am longing. I am calling. Come. Come now. Don't waste another moment out of My presence. Don't look for the false. Look for Me. Look for Me. Don't wait. Time is short. This moment will not be forever. Don't wait. Hear My cry for you, My love. Come. Come back to Me.
Stuck To Your Seats
October 24, 2010
A Message Given During a Church Service
Message from the Lord
Yahweh Says:
My heart aches, Susanna. Does anyone want to worship Me? Is anyone seeking after Me with their whole heart? Does anyone want Me? I am looking for intimacy, longing for worship. Am I not worth it? Am I not God, Creator of all? Oh, My heart longs for worship, for intimacy. I want clean hands and pure hearts before Me. I don’t want lip service. I am tired of lip service. No more. No more false. True worship. Worship Me in spirit and in truth.
Who do you say that I am? Who do you say that I am? Do you see Me as your God, as your King? No more. No more lip service. Are you stuck to your seats, to your way of thinking, to your way of doing things? Are you stuck in your old ways, in ways of tradition? No more. No more of the false.
Come before Me with clean hands and pure hearts. Come before Me with a repentant heart. Don’t come before Me saying one thing and doing another. Don’t come before Me with your motives. I want your heart. I want your heart. Nothing less. I want My people to hunger after Me and seek My face.
Yahweh (cont.):
Do you feel it as I do? Do you sense My heart, what I want? I want intimacy. I want deep relationship and intimacy. Oh, Susanna, do you feel My pain, the longing of My heart? Do you feel My pain?
Yes, Lord, I do feel Your pain.
Susanna, this is where breakthrough is needed. This is where breakthrough is needed. I want hearts. I want people to hunger after Me and seek My face. There has to be a change. There has to be a shift in the atmosphere. There has to be a change. Oh My. There is so much, so much bondage with My people that they wouldn’t even raise their hands to Me. I am sickened. I am sickened with this worship to Me. I am sickened that My people don’t see who they worship. They settle for the norm, for complacency. They settle for what is comfortable. I don’t want them to settle. I want them to seek after Me. I want them to hunger after Me. My heart is broken, Susanna.
My heart is broken. Do you sense it? Do you sense the brokenness of My heart? Do you sense My pain? Susanna, don’t give up on doing My will. Don’t settle. Don’t get complacent. Don’t get complacent. Keep seeking after Me. Keep seeking. Keep looking for more. Keep hungering after Me. Don’t stop, Susanna. Don’t stop. I have so much more. Don’t stop. Keep seeking Me, Susanna. I was showing My heart, how I felt. This is between you and Me right now. The church couldn’t handle this message right now. I just wanted you to see. I wanted you to see My heart. I wanted you to see what was really going on. This is all for now, Susanna. This is all for now.
Come Back to Me, Church Leaders
November 8, 2010
I will wait for You, Lord. I will wait for You. I love You. We will seek You. We need You.
Let’s go home, Susanna. I want to talk to you.
Susanna (at home):
I am here, Lord, waiting to hear from You.
Message from the Lord
Yahweh Says:
Susanna, people follow their leaders. Do you see it? People follow what they are shown. If their leader doesn’t want to dedicate full service to Me, the people wonder why they should. Your husband was partially right. There is lukewarmness, and this is bringing frustration. If pastors and leaders of My Church do not take their positions seriously, it can cause major damage to the Church.
I give leaders great responsibility and great authority, but many people misuse it. Many people abuse it. They are focused on where they want to go or where they hope to go, yet they fail to serve Me where they are now. My leaders are to look to Me for direction, yet they depend solely on their staff or spouses for direction. They are content on yesterday’s manna when instead they should seek Me for a fresh word, for fresh revelation. They are content with the way things are when I desire to move forward.
Many of My leaders are this way. They are cold and have lost their First Love. They are lukewarm in their hearts. Their passion has gone out for Me. The fire in their hearts for Me is going dim, yet in the midst of this lukewarmness, I still want to do a new thing. I still want to bring forth My glory in this place, in this land. Who will carry the torch? Who will serve Me with their whole heart?
What should I do with My leaders, those who are lukewarm? I am not even referring to those who have completely turned away from Me and are following false gods. I am referring to those who say they love Me, yet they put other things before Me. Those things are more important than doing My will. Those things take My place in their hearts.
They expect mighty moves from Me, yet to them, I am not first in their lives or hearts. I am an afterthought, yet I am still being merciful. I haven’t removed them from their positions of leadership. I am being merciful and calling them back to Me. I am calling them to worship Me in spirit and in truth. I am calling them to serve Me with their whole heart. I am calling My leaders back to Me.
Now is the time. I want to pour out My Spirit in such a way as never before, but are My people ready? Are My leaders ready? It is time. It is time for My Body to come together. It is time for My Body to be as one in Christ Jesus. I expect more than this. I expect more than lip service. I expect service from the heart. No more pretend. No more man-pleasing from My leaders. I expect full, undying service to the King. I am the King of kings. I am the Lord of lords. I expect full, undying service.
Now is the time for My leaders to get in place to take their place. This is a serious condition in the Church: lukewarm leaders, but today is a new day. I am sending out a call. Leaders, rise up. Take your place. Leaders, rise up. Take your place. No more lukewarmness. No more unrepentant hearts and attitudes. Turn to Me. Turn your heart towards Me.
Look to Me for answers, for guidance. No more false gods. Clean hands and pure hearts. That is what I am looking for. Repent of your wicked ways, of your lukewarmness, of your idolatry. Repent and turn to Me, your God, your King. Today is a new day. I have so much more for My Body. I have so much more for My Bride. Arise and take your place. No longer do you have to serve false gods in place of Me, hoping to keep the people happy and pleased. You no longer have to offer vain sacrifices to Me because My power is here to deliver you. My power is here to set you free this day.
I have never accepted your vain offerings or your detestable way of service to Me. I tolerated them, but now is the time. Now is the time to break free of man-pleasing and idol worship. Now is the time to seek Me with your whole heart. No longer do you have to live in sin because I made it possible for you to walk in My freedom, in My power.
By My Spirit, you are free. By My blood, you are free because of what I did for you when I died on the cross. This is why you no longer have to walk in sin because of what was done for you on the cross. Rise up, leaders. Take your place. Do not give way to sin. Return to Me, your First Love. Return to Me. Allow Me to do those things necessary to restore you back to where I have called you. I say restore you back because you have strayed away. Now I want you back.
I offer you this opportunity to come back and walk in the place I have called you to. Come back to Me. Serve Me from your heart.
“Please your God. Serve Him wholeheartedly. He is Yahweh, the Great I AM. He deserves no less from His people, and today, He is calling to His leaders. Rise up, leaders. Take your place. Repent of your wicked ways, of your lukewarmness, of your idols, and turn to the One True God. Turn. Turn to Him today. Turn to Him today.”
Yahweh (cont.):
Do you hear My heart’s cry, Susanna? This is for My leaders around the world. This is for My leaders. Don’t be afraid to put what I tell you wherever I tell you. This is for your website as well. Don’t be afraid, Susanna. Proclaim My message. Now is the time. Proclaim My message. If you have to set up a separate page for My messages, there will be more to come. These are My words, Susanna. Proclaim them. Declare them. It is time for My leaders to rise up and take their place. No more lukewarmness, Susanna. They must hear My heart. I will lead you as to who to send it to. Remember what I told you. You will be rejected, not because of you but because of the message that you bring. Be prepared. Don’t take rejection personally. Speak My words with boldness and authority. It is time. I have put My words in your mouth. Speak, Susanna. Speak. Declare. Declare My words. I am with you. I will never leave you, even in the midst of it all. I will never leave you. I am with you. Proclaim My message. It is time, Susanna. It will take you some time to write this over. Start working on this. This must be on your website by tomorrow.
Yes, Lord. I will begin working on this now.
Stay Strong in Yahweh
November 20, 2010
Message from the Lord
Yahweh Says:
Yes, Susanna. Yes. Now you are really starting to grasp this. Protocol is different than submitting. The Lord’s authority outweighs all others, and as His servant, you must do what He tells you to do. You can follow man’s protocol, but you must always submit to God without fear of what man can do to you. You are starting to see well. You see how the pastor is mixing the two. Submission is not protocol. This has nothing to do with obeying your leaders. You must obey God over man, and when he sees this, he will understand, but to what price?
You must be obedient to My words, Susanna. You must do My will no matter what. You must speak My words without fear of man. My authority is the highest authority. I require complete obedience from you. Sure, look at your pastor, but speak My words. Now you are seeing; submission is not protocol.
The pastor is not to gauge your words, the messages that I give you. It is for My Spirit to gauge. You must come to Me. I am the One who gauges My words, Susanna. Who knows My heart? Who knows My thoughts? Even you don’t know everything that I think. I reveal little things to you. I don’t show you My whole will.
Speak for Me, Susanna. Be My mouthpiece in this land. I say rise up and take your place. Walk in your calling, in the power and authority I have given you. Do not be afraid, for I am with you. No matter what, Susanna, I will never leave you. You will start to see more. I will start to show you more. In time, Susanna, I will start to reveal more to you. Stay with Me. Stay close to Me. Listen closely to My words. Listen closely for direction. I am with you. Listen closely to My commands. Don’t lean on your own understanding. Trust Me. No fear of man. None, Susanna.
Don’t ever confuse protocol and submission. This could bring a level of intimidation. Don’t allow this to happen. Lean on Me for all your needs, for all your questions. I am here. I am walking with you. Stay with Me. Trust Me. Trust Me from your heart. I am with you, Susanna. I see what’s ahead. Stay close to Me. No fear of man. Be My mouthpiece. Allow My power and anointing to flow through you in such a powerful way.
Don’t be afraid to move to the next level. Don’t be afraid of the training that’s coming. Don’t be afraid of the opposition. Don’t be afraid if no one understands you. Don’t be afraid to speak My messages with boldness, for I am with you. I will never leave you. Soon, I will show you more. Soon, your eyes will be open to more, more in the supernatural realm. Soon, your eyes will be open to more. It will become second nature. The unseen realm will become as second nature to you.
You will see soon. You will see. I will strengthen you. I will keep you so that you can do this work that I have called you to do. I will walk with you. You will sense Me. You will sense My presence. There is no need to fear the unknown. There is no need to fear. Do you trust that I am taking care of you?
Yes, Lord.
I am, Susanna. I am taking care of you. I promise you. I will keep taking care of you. It will never end. We have such a great work to do. There are so many souls. There are so many souls needing to hear this Good News that Jesus saves, Jesus delivers, Susanna; Jesus is coming again, Jesus loves them, Jesus can heal them of whatever is ailing them. People need to hear the Good News of Jesus. Hear My heart, Susanna. There are so many souls who need to hear the Good News.
Now is not the time to be concerned about yourself as to what level of rejection you will face. Now is not the time, Susanna. Hear My heart. Know I love you. I do. You know this. Now let’s move on. Hear My heart. See what I am seeing. So many souls. So many souls need to hear. What you experience now is only temporary to eternity. Be My mouthpiece. Don’t be afraid. Don’t back down. Speak My words with boldness. Do My will no matter what. I am with you. I charge you to go forth. Go forth in the name of the Lord. Go forth, Susanna. Go forth with the Spirit of God in you. God is with you, and when God is with you, you cannot fail. Because of His strength, His power, His anointing, you cannot fail.
Never focus on you, thinking it’s by your abilities, your strength. It’s not, Susanna. You are the vessel filled with My power, filled with My Spirit to do My work. You are My vessel. I love you. I want you to do My will. I will use you mightily for My glory. Not a bad using, but one of great honor because you serve the King. You are a servant of the Most High God. You serve the King. Do the King’s will. Serve the King well, Susanna. Serve the King well. Never forget that I am with you, Susanna. You will start to see more. Things will become clearer to you. I will show you more in time. I love you, My daughter. I love you. Go to bed, Susanna. It’s getting late. Read this message tomorrow.
Let Me Fill Your Spirit
November 21, 2010
Note: Yahweh gave this message during a church visit when He reviewed them.
Message from the Lord
Yahweh Says:
Susanna, what do you see? What do you see, Susanna? I see striving. I see striving to get into My presence. This is what I see: people who are not sure how to get into My presence. It’s not by works; it’s by grace. Do you see the striving? Do you see it? Do you see the control? Someone doesn’t want to walk in their office, yet there is grace. There is grace for this.
This is striving, trying to make things happen when all they have to do is rest in Me. All they have to do is rest in Me. There is no need to strive. There is no need to work. This is a time of rest. This is not a time to strive. This is a time to seek Me, to seek My face, not to try to make something happen but to seek My face. It takes obedience to My Word, to My will. You can’t force My presence to come. You can’t do it, Susanna. You can’t force it, Susanna. You can’t force it. What do you see? Now people are trying to follow what others have done instead of seeking Me for a fresh, new move. They are trying to reach Me through works when I don’t look at works.
What am I looking for? What am I looking for, Susanna? Clean hands and pure hearts. This is the root, Susanna. This has to be taken care of first. You can’t offer worship to Me when your heart is not pure. I do not accept worship like this with dirty hands and dirty hearts. I desire pure worship. I want clean hands and pure hearts.
You say, “Holy, holy,” but you are not holy. You are not holy. Seek My face. Don’t go through the motions. Don’t go through the motions. I look at the heart, not at your performance. I look at the heart. Man looks at the outside. This is not pleasing to Me—worship that is tainted. This is not pleasing to Me. What am I looking for? Clean hands and pure hearts. This is what I am looking for.
What do people want? They would rather settle for the feel-good. They would rather settle for the feel-good when I have so much more. I have so much more for My people. I want to give them so much more. But are they ready? Stop the striving. Stop the striving and seek after Me. Stop the striving and seek after Me. Stop the striving.
Come after Me. Clean hands, pure hearts. Seek My face. Come before Me just the way you are. Come to Me just the way you are. Don’t try to fix yourself. Come to Me just the way you are. Don’t try to fix your problems. Come to Me the way you are. I can fix your problems. I can heal your wounds. I can bring joy to your heart. I can do this.
Your works will not be able to do this. Works cannot do this. You need My presence. You need My power. You need My Spirit. You need Me. You need Me to do those things you ask for. You need Me. You can’t do this on your own. You can’t reach Me on your own. You can’t reach Me by works. You can’t reach Me this way. Come to Me with your heart surrendered to Me.
Come to Me with your heart yielded to Me. Come to Me. I will give you rest. I will give you rest. I will give you rest that you cannot receive anywhere else. I can give you this rest. I can. Do you want it? Do you want it? Then come after Me, not after things, not by works. Come after Me from your heart. Come after Me. I will give you rest. I will give you rest not available anywhere else. Come to Me. Come to Me.
I love you. I want you. My beloved, come to Me. Drink of Me. Drink of Me. Through Me, you will never be thirsty. Through Me, you will never hunger. Not as the world fills. Not as the world fills. I will fill your hunger because I satisfy. I satisfy the deepest hunger. Understand what I mean by hunger.
Understand what I mean. You have been trying to fill your voids with other things. Come to Me. I want to fill your hunger with My body. I want to fill you with My Spirit. Come to Me. Come to Me. Let Me fill you. Let Me fill you. Let Me fill you fresh. Let Me fill you fresh. Let Me fill you. Nothing else will do. Nothing else will do.
I have designed it that way, where you have to come to Me. I can fill you. I will fill you. Just come to Me. Come to Me. Let Me fill you. Let Me fill you. Let Me fill you. Let Me fill you fresh today. I want to. I have so much more for you. Let Me fill you. Let Me fill you.
Yahweh (cont.):
That’s all, Susanna. That’s all. Share all of it, Susanna. Share all of it.
Look Towards Yahweh
January 15, 2011
Message from the Lord
Yahweh Says:
Great changes are coming to the Body as a whole. You will see these changes, Susanna. You will see the shifts. You will see the realignment. You will see the focus regained. I’m talking about My Body as a whole.
My true Body, Susanna, will rise up. That is why I had you send that message out earlier, so people will know ahead of time what I am doing, what I want. And when they start to see these things take place, they will not be surprised by them.
But even though they know ahead of time, some will still not embrace My message. This is not My heart’s desire that they reject My message. It is not. I want them to turn to Me, to turn from their wicked ways. That’s why I wanted the leaders to hear this first, so they will have no excuse. Great changes are to come. It’s time for the focus to come back on Me, not how to make yourself better.
This is the mentality of the Church: always looking within instead of looking to Me, always looking to find ways to improve on its outside looks, yet the heart is still rotten. If they know they need Me to change their hearts, why won’t they turn to Me? They see what they have—My goodness and grace—and think that is enough. Not so. They must get past this and come after Me. They must return to Me, their First Love, and renew the passion in their hearts for Me. The passion that was once there is now low; in some, it is nonexistent. No more looking pretty yet lacking My power.
There is no power in My Church—not on the level that I want. I am referring to My Church as a whole. No one can say that My Church is powerful at the moment. I am not referring to a few who are operating in My Spirit. I am referring to the transformation power of My Body as a whole, where people come running to those who are believers, asking them to tell them about their God.
I am talking about a power that brings deliverance, transformation, and healings throughout. I am talking about My Body being known for being filled with power, not this make-believe stuff, this form of godliness while denying the power of God. No! Turn away from this! Turn away from this false living! Turn away! My Body, My Bride, I am telling you now so that when you see it, you will know I have warned you.
Look to Me. Seek after Me with your whole heart. Turn to Me. Let Me fill you with My real power, with My power that transforms lives. No more walking in a form of godliness. I am ready to do a new thing. I am ready. You will see it come to pass.
In these last days, I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh just as it was prophesied. It will be greater than in the days of Acts and the apostles of My first church. So much greater.
“Believe the prophets, and you shall succeed. Listen to God’s voice, and you shall live. God is ready to do a new thing—such as never seen before. Now is the time for His Bride to rise up. Now is the time for His Body to become one in Christ Jesus. Seek the Lord. Today is the day to turn to Him and worship Him in spirit and in truth. Do not delay in this, thinking you have a long time. Time is short, and Christ’s return is soon.”
Yahweh (cont.):
Susanna, I want you to share this with all. Go back to the beginning, where you knew I was talking to others. Put this on your website as well. Send this out in an e-mail. Do this today, Susanna.
Yahweh (cont.):
All churches today are not Mine, Susanna. That’s why I said the first church. I wanted to make sure that it’s clear that all churches today are not Mine because they all do not stem from the early church. When people hear the word “church,” they automatically think the church they go to is a part of My Church, believing and following the same things. All churches today are not a continuation of the early church, and that’s why there was a difference in the way I stated it.
Thank You for clarifying this, Lord.
How Yahweh Explains Healing
January 17, 2011
Message from the Lord
Yahweh Says:
Susanna, all true healing comes from Me. I even give the doctors wisdom to bring healing to others, but people do not see that it is ultimately Me doing the healing. I created the human body. For any type of healing to take place in the body, I have to be the One doing it. I hold the world together with My Word. I hold the human body together with My Word.
I choose to heal whoever I want to heal because I am God. As people see every day when they are healed from various things such as colds and flu to major things such as cancer, I am the One doing the healing.
To Me, no sickness or disease is greater than another. I took every sin, sickness, and disease on My body. Now, people can believe Me to do a miraculous sign, and yes, sometimes I will choose to operate that way. And the reason for Me to operate that way is for My glory, not so humans can receive glory.
There are examples in Scripture that show I heal the righteous and the sinner. There are Scriptures that show I heal the just as well as the unjust. I have been doing it since the beginning of time on earthly calendars. I am not subject to time. I am outside of time. I am eternal.
My plan is for all to be healed in their hearts. This is the ultimate healing: salvation. Eternal life brings true healing. If people would see this, that I am the God who heals and that My healing is not limited to the physical body, they would see well and focus on the Good News—what I came to do, as mentioned in Luke 4. I have been healing all since the beginning.
Now, some levels or degrees and the purpose of major healings may vary. Some don’t realize that going to Heaven is full healing, but it is. It’s another form of healing. Some I leave sick. Not to be mean but for a purpose. This is not for all who are sick. This is to say that some people are sick because I choose to leave them that way. I may not reveal the purpose as to why.
Others remain sick because of sin or other reasons. Because a person is sick or dies doesn’t mean a lack of faith existed in their lives. That is not so. Everyone doesn’t know My plan, nor does everyone fully understand My will. The key is to trust Me no matter what, to believe in Me with your whole heart. The key is to put Jesus first, realizing that He is in control when you release control to Him.
God will not force His way on you. He will woo you. My Spirit will call you, but I cannot force you like a robot to do what I want you to do. You must accept Me as Lord and Savior and follow Me. You must love Me with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength. You must not waver in your faith when things don’t go the way you think they should go.
Always believe My Word. I am the Healer. I am the One who heals. Now, what you do with that information is up to you. Don’t hinder Me from working in your life because of unbelief. Always trust in Me, knowing that all things work together for good for those who love the Lord, those called according to His purpose. Not your purpose and not your will.
I Want Pure Worship
January 21, 2011
While praying, I saw my heart on fire. I saw the match. It was so close to the flames from my heart, where it looked like the flames were beginning to touch the match. I am not sure how accurate I was seeing this because the flames were very consuming.
Message from the Lord
Yahweh Says:
You saw well, Susanna. You saw well. The flames are consuming. The match is that close. It’s almost time, Susanna. It’s almost time. We are getting the last things in order. We are getting the last details together. There’s more than one shifting, Susanna. There’s more than one shift taking place. I will bring shifts to various markets and realms. It will not just happen in one realm.
Do you see the earth shaking? That’s how major these shifts will be, where the whole earth shakes under My power. There will be no denying that I am God, yet some will still refuse My message. A great shaking, such as never seen before. A movement like no other.
Many souls are coming into the Kingdom. Great signs, wonders, and miracles are coming to pass, such as never seen before. The earth will know that there is a God, that there is One True God. It will be made known. My power will be made known across the land, such as never seen before. There will be no denying that I am God. I want to do great and mighty things such as the world has never seen before.
I am looking for vessels to fill, vessels to flow through. I am looking, Susanna. I am looking across this land for those who are Mine, for those who are set apart unto Me. I am looking for those who are sold out to Me. Where are those with clean hands and pure hearts? Where are those who seek My face above all others? Where are they? I am calling them forth. I am calling them forth. True worshippers: rise up. Rise up and take your place. Rise up and take your place in this move. Rise up and take your place in My Body. Do not compromise. Do not settle. Worship Me in spirit and in truth.
This is needed in these last days—those willing to usher in My presence with pure worship. This is what I want: pure worship. This is what I want: hearts sold out to Me. This is what I want. I want to see My Bride rise up and take its place. My Bride is My Body; I long for My Body to be one; I long for My Body to be one in Christ Jesus. No more separations by color. No more separation by man’s doctrines and views. No more separation by personal opinion. No more of this.
Come together, My Body. Be one in Christ Jesus. Be one in Me. This is what I want. I want unity in My Body. I want pure worship in My Body. I want undying service to Me from My Body, My Bride. Come to Me. Offer yourselves as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing unto Me. This is what I want. I want your heart. I want to fellowship with you. I want to walk with you. I want to comfort you. I want to lead you into deeper realms of My Spirit.
I want you to know more of Me, more of My nature, more of My character. I want you to stay close to Me, not of the things of this world. Stay close to Me instead of the world. Do not be torn in your hearts. I want undying service. Your heart must belong to Me. I want clean hands and pure hearts. Come and meet with Me. I am calling you. Come to Me. You will find all that you need within Me. You will see.
There is so much work to do in these last days. Time is short, and Christ’s return is sooner than many think. Don’t be deceived. Have your lamps ready. Make sure you are filled with the oil of the Great Holy Spirit.
Yahweh (cont.):
Susanna, this message is for My Body. Add this to your website as well. No need to send this out to all. You can send it out to those you feel led to. You are already seeing a few pastors in mind. Send it to them. Go take care of what you need to do, then get ready for work right away. This needs to go out soon. I want this out today, Susanna.
Yes, Lord.
My Message Must Come Forth
February 8, 2011
Message from the Lord
Yahweh Says:
Do you know why your ministry will be different, Susanna? You will be rejected by most of the world, yet great power will flow through you. It is not that I am not with some of them. It is the way the world perceives you. It is the way the Church perceives you. It is the message that you will bring. Many will not like it, but it must come forth. My message must come forth.
There are so many people longing to hear the truth. There are so many people who need to hear the Good News of Jesus. This is important. This is critical. More than flowing in the gifts. It is more than this. More than self-help, yet people are not changing. Why Susanna? It’s because there needs to be a move of My Spirit, not more self-help classes. There needs to be a move of My Spirit across the land.
People are hungry for the supernatural. They are longing for the real. They are trying to fill their lives with things and people. Some are trying to fill their lives with false gods and demons because they are so hungry. People are looking, but they don’t know what they are looking for. People are seeking, trying to find answers when they should come to Me.
I long for people to come to Me. I want this. I want intimacy. I want to meet with people one-on-one where they hear My voice for themselves. I want this. I want relationship. I want intimacy. I want to pour out My love in such a powerful, tangible way. My love is already here. What I mean by pouring out My love: I want people to receive it, where I pour it deep within. I want people to receive My love because it’s available now.
I am here. I am here longing for intimacy. This is what I want. I want to meet with My people. I want to meet with those who are seeking after Me. Even for those who don’t know they are seeking after Me, I am here. My love is here. My Spirit is here. I want to meet with them. I want to love on them. If they would just come to Me. If they would just seek after Me. I am here.
It’s the longing of My heart: intimacy. I want to hold them in My arms. I want to embrace them. I want to lead them. I want to commune with them. I want to sit together and share our hearts with one another.
I want intimacy in My Bride as well. I want My Bride to be one. I want My Bride to be one in Christ Jesus. I want My Bride to be intimate within each other. I say it like this because within the Bride are individuals, and I want these individuals to work together to embrace the full call. The Great Commission is the full call. Win many souls for Jesus.
Love people into the Kingdom, not with man-pleasing love where you tickle the ears of the people, but with My kind of love where you tell them the truth in love—how they need a Savior, how Jesus died, how He rose from the dead, how He’s coming back again. Tell the people that Jesus is coming back again and that they must be ready for His return.
Tell the people that Jesus is the only Way to Heaven. Tell the people that all would have life because He is the light for the world. Tell the people that time is short and Christ’s return is soon. Tell the people I love them. That’s why I came. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. I am the Way to eternal life.
You have a great privilege, dear one, to tell others about the love you’ve found. Tell others. Don’t be ashamed of Me. I love you. I love you. Serve Me well. Serve the King well. Serve King Jesus well. Do not get weary in well-doing. Do not give up on the race; tell others about Jesus. Time is short, and Christ’s return is very soon.
Yahweh (cont.):
Susanna, put this on your website. There is no need to send this to anyone in particular. You can send links if you want, but there is no need to send an official e-mail. People will find this message. Do this today. Do this first before anything else.
Yes, Lord.
Put the whole thing on there, Susanna. The whole thing. It’s time for people to know. My power will flow through you, Susanna. It’s time for people to know. That’s why you will send this out beforehand. This is the gift of wisdom in operation. Do you see, Susanna? Do you see why it must go out beforehand?
Yes, Lord, I do see.
Susanna, that whole message was for you. I am letting the world know of your call. I am letting the world know. Now, read it again. Read it, seeing that it is for you. I am letting the world know of your call.
More Shifts to Come
March 15, 2011
I asked the Lord to forgive me (for holding a grudge/sin in my heart, etc.) I believe He forgave me.
I did, Susanna. I did forgive you. Can you handle being rejected by the world versus your husband? All rejection should be the same, Susanna. It should not affect you at all. This is where My power comes in to sustain you. You needed this today. This will help you get on track in your heart and in your mind. Now love him, Susanna, where you are able to love him when he doesn’t love you back. You must be able to love others even when they reject you. Never think you have arrived. You will always have to do “heart checks” to stay pure in My eyes. Don’t let it get like this where you harbor things in your heart, things that are displeasing to Me. This affects the flow. Yes, Susanna, you are seeing well. That is the flow of My power. It is great power, Susanna, and it is coming very soon. You are trying so hard to figure it out, how it will all take place. It will, Susanna, but only I know the details. You will begin to see more very soon. You will begin to see more. Our time is winding down. It really is, Susanna. You are familiar with the term. That’s why you chuckled.
Message from the Lord
Yahweh Says:
I said it before when I referred to a shift, a change that’s coming. Another one is coming. Another shift is coming. Yes, Susanna, that earthquake was a sign of a shift—more shifts to come. I am not referring to more earthquakes necessarily because earthquakes are mentioned in Scripture as an event that takes place before My return. I am referring to various shifts that are about to take place. I am referring to a major move of My Spirit—such as never seen before.
The time is now. I am ready to do a new thing. I am ready to do a new thing in this land and throughout the earth, such as never seen before. A major outpouring of My Spirit, such as never seen before. It is time. It is time for great breakthrough. It is time. It is time for signs, wonders, and miracles, such as never seen before.
There will be no denying when My power falls on this land. There will be no denying that it is by My hand these things are taking place. I am referring to great signs, wonders, and miracles, such as never seen before. Out of these great signs, many souls will come into the Kingdom. There will be a great harvest of souls, such as never seen before. I am ready to do this. My angels are standing by. The supernatural world is ready.
Now is the time. Now is the time for great breakthrough in the land. This is not just referring to one nation. This is referring to a worldwide outpouring. I am referring to a worldwide outpouring where many souls come into the Kingdom. The time is now. Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord will be saved.
Those who believe in Jesus will have eternal life. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. There is no other name given under heaven by which you can be saved. Salvation comes only by accepting Jesus. Jesus is the only Way. His power is the only true power, and God will make it known that this great power comes through Jesus.
The Spirit of Christ is the power source. This will be made known very soon. Don’t look for a messiah out there in the world. Jesus is the true Messiah. He is the only One who saves. Look to Jesus. He is coming back again. Now is the time to be ready. His return is near. Watch and wait for Him, for in the hour when you think not.
Yahweh (cont.):
Susanna, this is another message I want on the website. Put this on the website today. There is no need to tell anyone. It will be obvious soon. My great power is coming very soon. Go and take care of this. This has to be done today. Yes, there is no need to send this to anyone.
Yes, Lord. I will take care of this now.
True Worshippers, Rise Up!
April 24, 2011
Susanna, I love you. I am glad you were obedient today. You did what I wanted you to do when you went and prayed for R____. To others, it seemed like such a small gesture, but in the supernatural realm, it was a powerful thing. You prayed for a release through his life. You spoke life to him. You were calling him into his purpose just by the words you were saying. I’m glad you listened and repeated the words that I gave you. That’s what I wanted you to say. And I’m glad that you didn’t stay because I didn’t want you to. It would have implied that you have returned. You noticed from those few short moments how many people came to you. Just in those few short moments.
You were sensing well. You were picking up the spirits that were upon some of the people there just by passing by them. You picked up quite a bit just from those few moments. Just from being in that atmosphere for those few moments, you sensed so much. And it’s because you have fine-tuned your senses just from what you do hear. So much has changed within you, even in the past few months. You sensed the air as if there was a suffocation because there is. There is no way for the life to come in or out. There is a blocking.
People are trying so hard to reach Me by the ways they think work instead of pursuing Me with their whole heart. This is what I want: people falling on their faces before Me, seeking Me with their whole heart, not gauging the service, seeing how long it should go. Not by doing a certain thing or a certain ritual, but by seeking after Me. You sensed it, Susanna. And this is why I have told you it doesn’t matter the speed of the song: it is if My presence is there; that is what matters. You could have the best musicians or the greatest set-ups, but what would you rather have? Would you rather have My presence or a place filled with dead bones? What would you rather have?
Your presence!
Message from the Lord
Yahweh Says:
You have that now, Susanna. I am with you right now. You have My presence with you. The things people are striving for are not worth it compared to My presence. They want to have the feel-good side of it, yet they don’t want to change their hearts. They don’t want to come to Me for Me to change their hearts.
People would rather have a form of godliness while denying the great power that I have. I have such great power, but it cannot be attained by doing works. You must seek after Me with your whole heart.
Listen! I am a God of miracles. I am the One True God who heals, who delivers, who transforms. Stop looking to your way of doing things, to the way you think things should go. Seek after Me. Pursue Me with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, with all your strength.
Put away your false gods, the gods that you think I cannot see. They crowd your heart and turn you away from the One True God.
I am ready to do a new thing in this land, such as never seen before. What am I looking for? Clean hands and pure hearts. I am looking for those who will worship Me in spirit and in truth. No more! No more lip service to Me! Your offerings are as dung in My eyes because of the sin in your lives. I don’t want this anymore.
I have never wanted this form of worship. I’ve tolerated it, but now it’s time for the true worshippers to rise up and take their place in My Kingdom. It’s now time for those who are sold out to Me to rise up and win souls for Me. Where are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness? Where are those who want Me above all others? I am looking. I am searching the earth for those who are Mine.
I am looking for a remnant who will serve Me no matter what. I am looking for those who will die for Me. I am looking. I am looking across this land for those who love Me, for those who choose to serve Me no matter the cost. My heart longs for My Body to become one. My heart longs for this, where My Body comes together. I am referring to My true Body, those who are truly Mine.
“Turn away from your sin and serve the One True God. Jesus Christ is the One True God, and His Spirit is here to do a transforming work in your life. Turn to the Lord today. Turn to Jesus. He is calling out to you today. Turn to Jesus. He is calling out to you today.”
Yahweh’s Generals
May 1, 2011
Message from the Lord
Yahweh Says:
Great generals stand among us today because I still have a work to do in this world. I will use these generals to bring great change to the spiritual climate in the world today. A lot of people do not recognize My generals who are in place today because their eyes are closed. People are looking for great generals to appear from those perceived to be great by human standards. There is no power, just human influence that stems from these so-called powerful leaders that the world and the Church look to.
But I do have My generals in place. They are in place, and I am getting ready to perform a great work through these servants of Mine. People will know who My generals are, who My true generals are because My power will be with them. My hand will back up the work I have called them to do. It will be obvious to those around them, those around these great generals, that they have been called for such a time as this.
This is a great time, a time when many souls will come into the Kingdom. I am leading these great generals. These generals are great to the extent that they will have My great power flowing through them. It’s not that they are great because of their title or who they are in the natural realm. It is because of My Spirit. I am the One flowing great power through them to do My work in the land. My work.
These great generals will lead the masses to look to Me, to seek after Me. These great generals filled with My power will win many souls for Me. I am raising up mighty warriors in the land. These warriors will lead this great movement by My Spirit, by My power.
There’s no more time to prepare for this great movement to come. I have given warnings. You know ahead of time, yet you still will not prepare for what I have planned. I have shown you My plans through My prophets, yet will you heed their words? The time is short, and now it’s time for a great breakthrough in the land. Now is the time to be as one in Christ Jesus. Now is the time to wake up. Time is short, and Christ’s return is soon.
Yahweh (cont.):
Susanna, put this message on the website on the “Messages” page. There is no need to send this to anyone in particular. Soon, many will be reading the messages on the website. That’s why I wanted you to set them up to be printed. Do this first before you do anything else.
Yes, Lord.
There’s Nothing Wrong with Being Wealthy
June 10, 2011
After looking over cars for hours yesterday, there was one I really liked. It is the Maserati Quattroporte. At first, I felt really guilty (I believe) because it seemed so expensive; so, we looked at others too, but I couldn’t get it out of my mind, and nothing else seemed to “fit.” We stayed up late building the version we wanted. Yes, Mike even built one for himself! It was so much fun.
Yes, Susanna, I like the car you chose as well. Being rich is not a sin. Over the years, this has been ingrained in you to believe that only those who are far away from Me can have great wealth. Not so, Susanna. I own all things, and since I own all things, can’t I give them to whoever I choose? I choose to give you great wealth and resources. I choose to give you great power, Susanna, and it is for a purpose. Drop the old ways of thinking—what you have learned from the religious leaders concerning wealth. I have so much to pour out on you, and I will, Susanna. There is nothing wrong with being rich.
Lord, I ask for Your help. I want to drop those old ways of thinking. Please release me from those thoughts, the wrong mentality about money and power. I want to see through Your eyes, Lord. Please forgive me, and please transform my mind with Your thoughts, Lord, and Your view about money, wealth, and power.
I will help you, Susanna. It is necessary for this position. You must not care what the religious leaders say about you. You must embrace this wholeheartedly. You will win many souls just because of the wealth. I want the rich and the poor. I want the young and the old. There are no classes of people in the Kingdom. I look at everyone the same. It’s only here on Earth where people have their own classes. Even in churches, My people are divided. Why should there be a church for a certain color or a certain race? Why should there be certain tongues gathered together, excluding all others? Will you find that in Heaven, where in one corner, only one race is gathered? Not so. There will not be a section for the rich, either. There will not be.
My Body must become one, and I will show you how to bridge the two—the division of color and the division of status. This is why you will receive the great wealth and power, but these must not consume you. I must always be first in your life. You see, Susanna. These things must not consume your heart. You must be willing to get rid of them at any moment. They are just tools I will use to win many souls for Me. I will use these tools to win many souls. Your words will win many souls, Susanna.
You can be rich and powerful and stay humble before Me. A lot of people have not seen this. They can’t imagine the two together. You’ve only read about it. I’m referring to Abraham, for he was very rich, yet it did not consume him. He honored Me above all others. And you see the difference between him and Solomon. Solomon’s heart turned away from Me to serve other gods, while Abraham did not. Abraham’s heart was towards Me, and he honored Me, even with his wealth. This is why wealth doesn’t make the person. It is a “heart” issue. Only I can see the heart, so it is pointless for others to judge a person just based on exterior looks. It’s impossible to know what’s going on in the heart unless I reveal it. Do you see this?
Yes, Lord. I do see this.
Message from the Lord
Yahweh Says:
Susanna, wealth doesn’t make a person. Being poor is not a sign of humility. I choose to raise one up, and I also choose to lower another. To say that one is rich based on their own merit is foolish thinking since I am the One who gives the power to get wealth. I am the One who rains on the just as well as the unjust. I am the One who says who should get this or that.
People limit Me because they think I am the God of the poor. I am the God of the whole universe. I created the whole universe. I am God All-Powerful. Yes, that is My name as well. I own all things. If I choose to give you great wealth, it will be to build My Kingdom. If I choose to give you great resources, it will be to win many souls for Me.
I own all things, and I will filter great wealth and resources and great power through you for one purpose: preach the Kingdom and prepare the world for the return of Christ. I will use great wealth and great power as a tool to win many souls to bring in a mighty harvest.
There are so many people out there, both rich and poor, who need to hear of My great power, that I can do all things. This is not a message of prosperity. This is to say that I am God. I AM God All-Powerful. I own all things, and I will make My name resound throughout the earth. By using these tools, many will come to know Me. This is what I want. I want all to come to know Me.
Let’s call them forth. Let’s call forth the rich and the poor, the old and the young. Let’s call forth the races of the land. Let’s call forth all to hear this Good News about Jesus. No more separation. No more division. I care about souls. Souls are the most important possessions to Me.
“It’s not about how much money you have, nor is it about the color of your skin. Do you know Jesus? Dear one, do you know Jesus? The time is now. Seek after Him. Call upon Jesus, and you will be saved.”
Yahweh (cont.):
This message is to go on the website, Susanna. Let’s do this today. As you can see, I am revealing more of My purposes and My plan to others so they can see it ahead of time. This is what prophets do: they proclaim My Word, My messages before they come to pass, so others will know what I am thinking. You understand this. It’s now time, Susanna. It’s now time. I have waited so long for this moment, and now it’s here. It’s now here.
The Church Body Needs to Wake Up
June 11, 2011
Message from the Lord
Yahweh Says:
Imagine what the world will say. I am referring to the world as a whole when they find out you do not go to church, yet great power flows through you. How do you think that will affect the church dynamics? Will people start to wonder if there is more to life than just going to a church for a few hours?
People miss the point. It is not the ritual of going to a church building: it is coming together and worshiping Me. It is meeting together to strengthen each other. Did My Word say to gather in a church building so that you can stay close to Me? Did My Word say that I only meet with My people once a week? No, the Scriptures never said this.
Those who wrote the Scriptures never said this. There was always constant fellowship, the breaking of bread, the encouragement, not man-made rules. Those were established to control the people. And then, when the laws of the land became involved, it put even greater bondage on the people, which limited their activities.
What would happen if the supernatural invaded the natural? Imagine. How could you tame the supernatural? How could a human being tame what I want to bring to pass? Impossible. Impossible. This is one thing that is impossible: man taming a powerful God. Yes, man can put off or hinder what I have planned, so then I use the next one in line.
When one human vessel chooses not to be used by Me, I find another human vessel. Yes, I will not force Myself on someone to do My will, but ultimately, My will, will get done because I am God. I am God All-Powerful. People will begin to see My great power soon. I know you believe this, Susanna. Your body has been feeling the warmth of this great power. You said it felt like you were on fire because you could feel the heat of it. Imagine, Susanna. Imagine when you are filled with this great power.
You must stay strong. You know there will be many religious people who will speak against this great move, and some of the reasons are because they are afraid; they don’t know what to expect. Others, they don’t want to lose control of their congregation. They forget that I am the Head of the Church and that it is My Body, not theirs.
Some are afraid of the supernatural, of what they cannot see, yet churches are filled with demons, these unseen beings that control some of them. This is not to say all churches are like this. This refers to the establishment itself that man has put up. This is referring to the man-made rules and traditions that are not scriptural that are putting My people in bondage.
There should be freedom in My Church for My Body to worship Me in spirit and in truth, yet many in the Body dare not believe in My gifts. Many do not believe that My Spirit is with them today. Yes, My Great Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ, is on the earth today, yet many will not receive My Spirit. They pretend the Great Holy Spirit does not exist.
They are afraid of what would happen if they lost control of their services where I ruled the services, where I would say, “It’s time to worship Me,” or “It’s time to pray,” or “It’s time to get into the Word.” They are focused on keeping a schedule to please the people so they can go out and eat lunch. There’s no hunger. There’s no passion for Me, for My Spirit. It’s an agenda. It’s a schedule, a form of godliness. Where’s the power? Where’s the life?
This is not referring to all. This is saying that My Body needs to wake up. This is saying that it’s time for My Body to wake up, to get out of its slumber. It’s time for this great harvest to come in, but most of My Body have no clue what they believe. They stick with these Christian clichés, yet they are pushing away those who I am calling to come home. They are pushing away the lost because of the hypocrisy. There is no fire.
There is no love, just lukewarmness that’s pushing away the lost. But now it’s time for this to change. It’s time for great change to come to the Body. It’s time for great change to come into the hearts of My people, where they serve Me with their whole hearts. Clean hands and pure hearts, undying service to the King. This is what I want. No more lukewarmness. No more halfhearted service to the King.
Surrender completely. Surrender completely to the call. The Great Commission is the call. Walk out this call by the power of the living God. Seek God’s face. Turn from your wicked ways. Hunger and thirst after righteousness, and you will be filled. Seek first God’s Kingdom, and all other things shall be added unto you.
“Taste and see that the Lord is good. God is faithful to do all He has promised. God is good, and He is faithful to do all He has promised. Now is the time to turn to Jesus. Now is the time to look to Him, not to your man-made ways of trying to reach God. Turn to the One True God. Turn to Jesus, the Great I AM. Turn to Jesus the Messiah, our soon-coming King. Be ready, for in the hour that you think not. Time is short, and Christ’s return is very soon.”
Yahweh (cont.):
Susanna, this is a message. I will show you where it begins. Yes, this goes on the website today as well. It is time, Susanna. This is why I am speaking more. Do you hear your message? This is how people will perceive it, as your message, even though these are My words. The sharpness of it will cause many to reject it, but that is okay. I say this is okay for your sake because I want you to be willing to always speak for Me. It is okay if you are rejected because I am with you. No, I do not want people to reject Me or the messages I send through My vessels, but I want you to know that I am with you, and it is okay if you are rejected because of the words that you speak.
I am with you, and you will be rejected because of the messages that you speak. You will be rejected because of the messages. They will not tickle the ears of the people, and this is what the people are longing for: messages to make them feel good. But now is the time. Now is the time for My Body to get in line. Now is the time. Yes, Susanna, and this is why you will wear black often. It’s time, Susanna. It’s time for us to move forward. It’s time for My great power to come forth. It’s time, Susanna, for us to move forward. Yes, for your eyes to be opened. It’s time, Susanna, for so much to come to pass. So much more. I know you sense this. It’s like water getting ready to overflow its banks.
There’s a great flood coming. Imagine when this filters through the whole corporation. This great power will filter through. Hold on. Be ready. Be prepared. You wonder why you can’t sleep? It’s because of the supernatural interaction. It is because of what is going on in the supernatural realm. This is why you cannot sleep. You are picking up on all the activity taking place around you. And soon you will be able to see the activity. Yes, Susanna, your eyes have to be opened soon. I know you are ready for this, yet at the same time, you do not know what to expect. Just imagine seeing another layer, another dimension than what you see now.
Imagine, Susanna, spirit beings walking around the room as they are now yet being able to see them. Imagine what that would look like, Susanna, being able to see two realms at one time. The realm is always there. The unseen beings are always around you. It’s just now you will be able to see what has always been around you. Your daughter can sense this as well. She has strong discernment, but she has no one to talk about this with. She doesn’t understand why these things happen to her, why she can see and sense things, but it is for a reason. The gifts that she has are for a reason. Soon, you will be able to see both realms. This is necessary, Susanna, and we must move forward in this. When it starts to happen, listen to My voice. Do not be afraid. I am with you. I created all unseen beings. I created all things. The realm is already here, Susanna. It’s just now you will be able to see it.
I am ready, Lord. I am ready to move forward with You. I wait for You, Lord. I am Your servant. I love You. Your will is best, and I yield to Your will.
Angry for Forty Years
June 15, 2011
Message from the Lord
Yahweh Says:
I was angry with the children of Israel for forty years. They wandered in the wilderness for forty years until those who rebelled against Me were removed. Do you understand anger? My anger comes due to a lack of obeying My orders, My commands. It is not as human emotion, where it’s in the flesh. My anger is shown by turning My face.
I am a Holy God. My commands must be followed by those who worship Me. Those who say they are Mine must show it by obeying My laws and decrees. One cannot say they are Mine when they don’t even obey My commands and show Me they love Me from their heart. It’s all about the heart, not doing rituals to win My affection because that is not what I look at.
When I am angered, it brings a separation. Things were once one way, but now things have a form of change that require a different set of covenant agreements as with the children of Israel. You see this. The promise I made to them when they left Egypt could no longer be fulfilled because that generation chose to rebel. They preferred the wilderness. They preferred to die in the wilderness than to perform My will. So, I allowed them to have what they wanted and moved the promise on to the next generation.
Yes, Susanna, I was angered by those who chose to rebel against Me. I have removed those who rebelled, not because I dislike them, but because I can’t allow sin to rule in the camp. This angers Me. Sin angers Me. When My people choose to purposely sin against Me, it angers Me because it brings a separation. Sin brings separation. Disobedience brings separation. I don’t want this in the camp, where people think they can do their own thing.
Do you see how people are? You can tell them over and over again to repent and turn away from their wicked way, yet they still will not repent unless I remove them or shift My covenant to the next group or the next generation.
You see, I never break My covenant. It is man who chooses not to walk in it. If I have all these plans for you, and you choose not to walk in them, they will be passed on because I want to fulfill My plan. I want to fulfill My covenant and bring My will to pass. I never break My covenant. That implies that I would lie, and I cannot. I never lie. If I say I am going to do something, it will come to pass. Now, man gets in the way. For various reasons, man decides they do not want to walk in the destiny I have for them. Man decides this, and they show this when they rebel against Me. I give people opportunities to walk into their destiny, yet some choose not to.
It’s not that My prophets lie. I am referring to My true prophets, those who are speaking My messages. When a prophet of God speaks a true Word, a true message from Me, there is weight in that message. My authority and power back up that message, where it is under My hand, and I have to bring those words to pass because I am a covenant God. Those were My words, to begin with, and I will use My power to perform whatever is necessary for My will to be done.
Now, why do I use prophets to do this when all My believers have My Spirit? It’s because I give prophets a license in the supernatural realm to bring things to pass just by speaking the Word, My message, however it is brought. They are My agents that I flow through to perform My will so that what I want will be manifested in the natural. They have been given the authority and My power to speak things into the atmosphere from one realm to another, from the unseen realm to the natural realm within a person’s life.
My weight and authority back up My prophet’s words that are spoken on My authority. I give them words to share with others so that there can be a connection, where what is in the spirit realm can manifest in the natural within that person’s life. It has always been this way. I have always spoken through My prophets. I show them what’s to come to pass. It’s not that others do not know things as revealed by the Great Holy Spirit. We are referring to the gifts of the Spirit. It’s just that with prophets, I use them to speak things, to speak My will into the atmosphere so it can manifest. A person may operate in the gifts, but they do not have the authority to invoke Me to bring something to pass.
The prophet, on the other hand, is shown by My Spirit, My will, My intentions, My plan for a person’s life, and then at My command, they speak My words, My message so that My will and plan will materialize and move from one realm, which is the unseen realm, to the realm of the natural. My authority and power back up a prophet’s words that I have given them and cause it (the message) to come to pass.
There is a great difference between one who prophesies versus one who walks in the office of the prophet. As you know, prophets are given various duties based on their level of authority. Not all prophets carry the same level of authority. Some prophets only govern or can speak words or carry out duties that cover a house, which is also known as a church.
Some prophets have duties that cover a city. They have the authority to speak words and perform duties that affect a city. Some prophets cover a nation, where they are given authority to do My will over a nation. Some prophets have a greater authority, where I give them My power to speak words over nations. They cover nations, and with that comes a higher level of authority.
Prophets are officers in My Kingdom, and with this comes a great level of responsibility. They must be careful of what they say and what comes out of their mouth because their words can bring destruction to either side.
When a prophet speaks My words, and the hearer chooses not to receive them, there is something that takes place in the spirit realm. It should be known that prophets are attached to the words that they speak from Me unless they are released.
If one chooses not to believe a message from the Lord through one of My prophets, something has to take place in the supernatural realm to release the prophet from that word. There is a decree or a declaration that is spoken by the prophet on My command that says to the supernatural realm that the hearer has chosen to reject a message from a prophet of the Lord Most High. Upon doing so, that prophet is no longer attached to that word, to that message. There is a release in the supernatural realm that is felt by the prophet.
A prophet’s words are not just words: they bring My authority to cause things to manifest in someone’s life. I am referring to My prophets, those who speak My messages, and I am referring to My messages. I say it like this because even those prophets who are Mine can choose to speak messages out of their flesh. I will tell them what messages are Mine, but if a prophet of Mine chooses to turn away from Me, I cause them to have to resort to other ways to get their information.
If a prophet rebels against Me and disobeys My commands and speaks words that are not Mine, I have no other choice but to remove them from that position. Here’s where the problem lies: That prophet who once spoke My words is no longer able to hear My will as before. I make it so that they cannot, and then they have to resort to demons if they want to continue to give an impression as if they are hearing from Me.
So how do you know when a prophet really speaks My words? My authority and power will back up the words spoken by My prophet that will cause them to come to pass. This is just as with Samuel. Samuel was a mighty prophet. I was with him when he served over Israel.
I wanted people to hear My voice just as I do now, but even further than that, I want My will to manifest in the realm of the natural so that man can receive and walk in the purposes and plans I have for their lives.
Even when I speak to an individual directly, those words are binding because I cannot lie. It is the same as when I speak through My mouthpiece, through My prophet. If people understand why I still use prophets today, they will seek Me concerning a word they receive from one of My servants before rejecting it completely.
I have My servants in place. Even today, they are in place to bring My will from one plane to the next, from one realm to the next. This is order. This is how it’s always been, and this is My will.
Yahweh (cont.):
Susanna, this is a message. Not only will you put this on the website; you will send this out. Send this out to as many as you want. It doesn’t matter which e-mail. The timing is critical. This has to go out first thing. Yes, Susanna, the whole thing is a message. All must receive this message. You will see why very soon, why this must go out. It’s time for My great power to come. It is time.
A Moving in Yahweh
June 24, 2011
Message from the Lord
Yahweh Says:
Susanna, your messages will affect those worldwide, and because of the time frame you are in, you are a “last days” prophet. Yes, Susanna, yes. Every prophet you are thinking about served at a certain time frame. Man even categorizes them based on the size of the book they wrote in the Bible. I don’t see it this way. I don’t group My prophets based on the size of the reading material. I group My prophets based on the size of the territory they governed or had authority over.
And you see this now that when you read, you are trying to see the area they governed. This is wiser than trying to figure out what Scriptures they wrote because some of My great prophets never wrote Scripture, just as you will not write any Scripture, yet in My eyes, you are like Paul. You are a modern-day Paul because of the level of work you are required to do. This is so different than what is taught in schools by the religious leaders.
Man’s ways of doing things are not My ways. Now, why hasn’t this been brought to light before? This wasn’t brought to light because the time was not then. Now is the time for more to be revealed to those who are Mine. Not just that: it’s time for the world to get prepared for the return of Christ.
It was not as before, where every now and then there would be a movement of My Spirit, where that movement would affect a few. I am not referring to man-made movements that people would cling to. I am referring to God-made movements that affected not only the outside but also the inside.
And this is what I want: a movement that affects a man’s outside and inside, where a man is transformed by My great power. I want to see My Body transformed by My great power, where they move away from their man-made traditions and come under God-made traditions by seeking My face and doing My will wholeheartedly.
I say it as traditions because man is familiar with traditions, something they are used to doing. But what if I say, “Let’s move forward”? What then? Would man cling to what he thinks works when I have what works? I have what has worked for many years, yet many are afraid because they don’t understand what they cannot see. They would rather cling to dead traditions instead of seeking after the One True God.
I am alive. I am powerful, and I am able to bring man past this dead living. Do you see how I say it? Yes, it’s dead living because man has a form of godliness, yet there is no power. I am not referring to all. I am referring to man as a whole. Mankind, both in the Church and outside the Church, are hungry for power, yet they choose to do things their own way instead of following God’s way.
My great power is coming very soon, and it will be so great, greater than any power ever seen before. This great power will show the world that there is a God who is All-Powerful, that there is a God who truly lives, who is eternal. This great power is coming forth in the world today for one purpose: to bring in many souls.
Many souls are coming into My Kingdom because they will see this great power and turn to Me. They will see that I am bigger and more powerful than their false gods or the demons that they worship. They will see that there is only one God, and His name is Jesus Christ.
They will see that this great power comes from Jesus Christ through the Great Holy Spirit poured out through His vessels. The Lord God is well pleased with the work that is at hand. The Father is well pleased and will back up His servants that are on the earth today with His great power so that the world will know that Jesus is Lord.
Yahweh (cont.):
Yes, Susanna. This is a message for the website. The whole thing is the message. Put this on the website today.
Yes, Lord.
Clean Hands and Pure Ways
June 28, 2011
Lord, this quote in Lake’s book triggered something in me. It says:
“The world lived in darkness for five thousand years, and they had no way of lighting a place like this, except by torches or candles. But there was just as much electricity five thousand years ago as there is today. Somebody found how to handle it, discovered the laws that govern it, learned to apply it to our need.” (John G. Lake, The Complete Collection of His Life Teachings compiled by Roberts Liardon, page 349.)
It made me wonder about Your great power. Did some not want to pay the price for it?
Message from the Lord
Yahweh Says:
This is the level of protocol. You paid a great price for My anointing, for My power. Many are not willing to do this, where they give their all in worship to Me. Many are not willing to lose all to gain what I have for them. What I have is of great value, and there is a great price to pay for My great power.
This has nothing to do with salvation, for I paid the great price on the cross for the sins of all mankind. I took every sin upon My body on that cross, but now I am alive, and all power has been given to Me in Heaven and on Earth.
People think that because they are a Christian and believe in Jesus Christ, they automatically get the privilege of being very close to Me. Not so, for I do not give My great power to those who will abuse it or think in their selfish ways for their own selfish gain. There is a level of protocol even to get close to Me.
Yes, all of My children have access to My throne and can speak before My Great Father, who sits on His throne, but not all of My children will be able to reach deep levels of intimacy with Me. It is as it were when I was on the Earth, and I had My disciples with Me. All of them were not allowed to experience the most intimate parts of My ministry. And why is that? I see the heart of a person. I see if they are willing to give Me not only their lives but their hearts as well.
This is what I want. I want clean hands and pure hearts. How can you expect to approach a holy God and get close to Him with sin in your life, with unresolved issues that you choose to hold on to? Many don’t realize that I am holy because they are so focused on the grace and mercy that comes from Me. They only see Me as this loving God, yet they forget that I am also King, that I am also God and Lord of all.
I expect undying service, yet at the same time, I expect heart service, where I want your heart completely devoted to Me. I don’t want lip service. I want people who are hungry for Me, who seek My face continually. This is what I want.
There’s so much more, yet many are settling for the feel-good stuff. There is no power, yet many are happy with this because they would rather stay close to those who they work with or worship with instead of focusing on getting close to their God.
There is so much more, but people are confused. They think that all they have to do is accept Jesus as Lord and just wait on Heaven. No, this is not so. The work needs to get done. How will people hear the Good News if no one goes? How will people know about Jesus if no one shares? This is the work that needs to be done.
What I want from My people: I want My people to seek after Me, to surrender their lives to Me, to call unto Me, and I will answer. This is what I want: I want clean hands and pure hearts, undying service to the King. This is what I want: I want a generation who is sold out to Me in body, soul, and spirit. The full man sold out to Me, where their mind is rejuvenated in My Word, where they are more Kingdom-minded.
This is what I want: a generation who is hungry for the One True God, not a form of godliness. This generation wants Me. They are sold out to Me, and they are willing to pay the price to walk in My great power. They are willing to pay the price to receive all that I have for them. They are the ones who want My presence.
They are the ones who will not settle for feel-good times. They are the ones who want God. They are the ones who hunger and thirst after righteousness. They will be filled. They will be filled. I am ready to fill those who hunger and thirst after righteousness. They will not settle. They want Me—this generation that I am talking about. And I want to fill them.
“Are you a part of this generation the Lord is calling forth? Are you willing to pay the price to seek God’s face and be filled? Are you willing to pay the price, where you dedicate your life to God—all parts of you, every area, every detail? The Lord is looking. He is searching the earth, looking for those who are His. Here am I. Lord, send me.”
Yahweh (cont.):
Yes, Susanna. That is the end of the message. Put this on the website today. I am calling forth the generation whose heart is set on Me. Do you see how we are doing this? It is all strategic. Getting ready for war.
Yes, Lord.
In My Truest State
July 2, 2011
Lord, I have a question about Exodus 33, where Moses asks to see Your glory. I don’t understand what happened in verses 19-23. I don’t understand what he saw, what took place. May I have Your explanation on that? I would really like to understand those Scriptures.
Message from the Lord
Yahweh Says:
What does that mean, Susanna? People want to see Me in My truest state, where they see Me face to face. How can they when sin is in their lives, or how can they when they are in fleshly bodies? The flesh will not be able to stand seeing a Holy God. The flesh will not be able to stand.
I allowed Moses to get very close to Me, considering the time frame, and My blood was not shed on the cross yet. But yet, I was still merciful to him. I allowed him to experience a deeper part of My nature, a deeper part of My character, of My presence, of My goodness. He wanted to know if I would be there, and considering what Israel had just done, I did not want to be there because, in My anger, I would have destroyed them.
But because of My servant Moses interceding for the people, and because of My great name and My faithfulness, I made a promise to be with them, but they were to follow My laws and obey My ways—My way of doing things. But today, it is so much better because now God comes to live within man. No longer is there separation that is permanent because Jesus paid the price to restore fellowship, and now all who turn to Jesus can have a restored relationship with the One True God. Now, instead of God being on the outside, through Christ, His Spirit comes to live within man.
Yes, God comes to live within man upon accepting Jesus as their personal Lord or Savior. What wonderful news this is. This is so much better than what was available centuries past, yet people long for that. Wouldn’t you rather have God living within you, leading and guiding you every step of the way? Yet many do not know that this is available.
There is something that can be given that no other religion can offer: relationship. Jesus Christ paid the price on the cross for all mankind to have restored relationship, where each one can personally talk to God. Not only is God with us, He lives within us, but this is only available upon receiving Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. What could be better than being with God every day? What could be better than having eternal life now?
Not through works or deeds but through Jesus Christ and accepting Him as your Lord and Savior. What could be better than this—a restored relationship with the One True God? Jesus makes this possible. Jesus makes this possible. No greater love has no man than this than a man laying down his life for his friends.
“Jesus gave it all. He gave His life for us. His precious blood was shed for all of us so we could all be with Him forever. Experience His love today. Don’t wait another moment. Intimacy with God is possible. Come to Jesus. Turn to Jesus. Give Him your heart, your life, your all. He loves you, and He is waiting for you. He will receive you right now just the way you are. Come to Jesus. Don’t let another moment pass without knowing His love. Don’t let another moment pass. Time is short, and Christ’s return is very soon.”
Yahweh (cont.):
Susanna, I want this message on the website. Let’s do this today.
Yes, Lord.
Lukewarm and Halfhearted
July 7, 2011
What’s wrong with me, Father? Please do a “heart check” on me. I am not sure what’s bothering me.
Message from the Lord
Yahweh Says:
You are tired of the form of godliness. You are tired of it. It is making you sick, where it makes you want to vomit. You are sensing what I am sensing—the lukewarmness that’s in the Church, that’s in the Body as a whole. I am tired of the lukewarmness, of the half-hearted service. You are getting a glimpse of it. You are sensing what I receive continually from My people.
There is so much more I want from My people, but are they at that place where they want Me more than things, more than man’s approval? Are My people there? Are they in this place of waiting on Me and seeking My face? They don’t see that they make Me want to vomit them out of My mouth because they are too busy saying to themselves how good of a job they’re doing.
No one is seeking My face where it brings a revolution of change. Who is hungry for Me? Who wants Me more than anything else? If My people would stop trying to blend in with the world and be separate unto Me, they would see so much clearer.
It’s not trying to be like the world that will bring in this great harvest. It is looking more like their Father that will bring in this harvest. It is having His Spirit fill them to overflow. It is clean hands and pure hearts. It is a life on fire for Me, sold out to Me, doing whatever I lead them to do.
This is not an emotional leading but a Spirit-led leading. This is not settling; this is pursuing. This is coming after Me. This is longing for Me, for My presence, for My glory to fill this temple. This is a hunger that can only be filled by My great power, by My Spirit, says the Lord.
These are My words, and I will back them up.
“Those who are hungry for the One True God: turn to Him. Seek His face with your whole heart. Offer Him a pure, pleasing sacrifice. Offer Him yourself, undying service to the King. Serve King Jesus with your whole heart. No more lukewarmness. No more form of godliness. Be filled with the real. Be filled with God’s great power. God is great, and so is His power. The Spirit of God is here on this earth today, ready to set you free. Turn to Jesus, not to man. Turn to Jesus. Turn to Him, and He will set you free. Jesus is able and willing to set you free today. All you have to do is turn to Him. Turn to Jesus. Turn to Him today. Time is short, and Christ’s return is very soon.”
Yahweh (cont.):
Susanna, I want this message on the website today. Do not be afraid, Susanna. You think people will think you’re crazy because I keep saying Christ is coming back soon. Jesus is coming back soon. You are not crazy, and those are My words.
Yes, Lord. I will do Your will.
Good, Susanna, and this is why you must know My voice so well that it wouldn’t matter what I say. It will not shake you because you know the Author. You know I cannot lie, and when you hear My voice, you will be able to receive any information, any message. Not only that, Susanna: no one will be able to shake you. You must believe all of the messages that I give you, and you will be able to do this because My faith will keep you. The level of faith I will impart into you will sustain you, enable you to endure any form of rejection by man because you will know you are in touch with Me, and I can never go back on My word because I cannot lie. You must stay strong in the faith. You must never doubt. No matter what anyone tells you, if you have heard My voice, stand on what I have told you. Do not ever go against My word to please man, Susanna. Never do that. Always trust in Me. I will never leave you. I will never fail you. Man will, but I will not.
Christians Gathering for Fun
July 13, 2011
Message from the Lord
Yahweh Says:
Now you notice how a lot of Christians gather around other Christians, yet there is no impact; there is no change in the world. Why is that? It’s because people don’t understand that they must go out and share this Good News about Jesus and not sit around and tell stories to other Christians of how they were delivered and set free. This is backward thinking.
Shouldn’t My people be out in the world telling the lost about My Good News, how Jesus came to this earth and died on the cross, taking all the sin of all mankind upon Himself? Not just that: Jesus rose from the dead, and now He is alive forevermore. Not just that: all power has been given unto Jesus. There is no name greater.
The name of Jesus. The name of Jesus. The name of Jesus. This name should be esteemed and lifted high, not taken lightly.
It is just a show. Are souls really coming in? Are there truly transformations? It’s all a show—Christians sitting around watching other Christians talk about themselves. Yes, they mention their testimony, but I truly see why certain ones are called and why certain ones are invited. If it didn’t matter, then they could call any Christian off the street who has been converted to share what I have done.
But this is not the case. It is to get a name, a title. It is to get ratings to compete against each other. It is to tickle the ears of those who watch, of those who listen. Christians, entertaining other Christians. Where are the souls? Are the souls coming in? Who is being fooled? I am not being fooled. This is not for Me. It’s just a show. It’s a form of godliness. There is no power. It’s all a show.
Go out into the hedges and highways and win souls for Me. Do not be ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power unto salvation for everyone who believes. Everyone who believes in Jesus and turns to Him will be saved. Those who turn to Jesus and receive Him as Lord and Savior will receive eternal life. This is the Good News: Jesus is alive, Jesus died and rose again, Jesus saves; Jesus is coming back.
There is no other name under heaven by which someone can be saved other than the name of Jesus. Jesus is the only Way to Heaven, to eternal life. There is no other way. All ways that man thinks of will not work. Jesus is the only Way. It’s time for My Church, for My Body, for My Bride to wake up. It is time for this great harvest to come forth, to come into the Kingdom, but My Body is not ready for what is about to take place. My Body is not ready; it is inward-focused.
“It’s now time to look at the fields; they are ripe and ready to be harvested. The fields are ripe and ready for harvest. Wake up, Church! Wake up! There’s a work to be done. There’s a great work that’s coming. The fields are ripe. The fields are ready. It is time. It is time for the great harvest to come forth. It is time for the great harvest to come forth. It is time for the great harvest to come forth. Watch and wait. Be on your guard, for in the hour when you think not. Jesus is coming back soon. Be ready. Jesus is coming back soon.”
Yahweh (cont.):
Susanna, put this on the website tonight. You notice what I am doing. I am now calling forth this great harvest. It is time, Susanna. It is time. Take care of this tonight. We will talk about this later.
Yes, Lord.
My Great Harvest
August 5, 2011
Lord, I was just reading through this message from You dated May 1, 2011, and You said, “There’s no more time to prepare for this great movement to come. I have given warnings. You know ahead of time, yet you still will not prepare for what I have planned.” I have wondered quite a few times what You meant by the phrase “I have given warnings.” Can You please explain that even more? Is that referring to Your concentrated presence or the level of spiritual warfare? Please, I seek Your counsel, Lord.
Message from the Lord
Yahweh Says:
People will not know what to expect, Susanna. They will think they can remain as they are, with sin in their hearts and idols in their lives. They don’t understand that sin cannot be in My presence, in My concentrated presence. They take My messages lightly because they don’t think there is such great power that will be poured out.
They think those days are long gone, and many have resolved in this way of thinking. They have fallen asleep, and that is why the call was sent out for them to wake up, for them to be prepared for the movement that is now in place.
Yes, My movement is now in place and will manifest in the natural with great signs, wonders, and miracles. This movement that I have been speaking about for so long is now in place. It is a supernatural movement that is in place around the world. And the way this worldwide movement will manifest to those in the natural is by the great power that will bring forth great signs, wonders, and miracles.
People don’t think a movement could be supernatural and worldwide, but it is. This movement that is in place is both supernatural and worldwide. Now, what am I doing? What am I revealing? I am revealing My will concerning how this great harvest will come forth into the Kingdom. I am revealing what’s in place in the supernatural even now.
But soon, you will see this great move, where you see the signs of it, and there will be no denying this is My movement. This is My will. I want to pour out My Spirit in a way as never seen before. But this is where the warning comes in: To those who do not understand My nature, My presence, My glory: sin cannot be in yourself, in your life.
Sin brings a separation. More importantly, those with sin in their lives and idols in their hearts must realize that if they dare stand in My concentrated presence, My anger may destroy them because sin cannot be in My presence.
My presence cannot be taken lightly. My glory that’s filling this temple will be indeed glorious and will carry great weight and great power. Clean hands and pure hearts are the requirements. It is what I want. It is because I am Holy, and I must be honored as such.
I AM. That is My name, and I must be in yourself, seen as who I truly am. Do not take My presence so casually, where you dare to enter with sin, dishonor My name, and defile My temple. Clean hands and pure hearts.
This is a warning. Do not handle this great power so casually. Do not handle My presence so lightly. Remember who you serve. Remember who you serve. Never forget. I am the same God of the Bible. I am the Great I AM. I am the One True God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, and it is now time for so much more to be revealed. It is now time to move forward.
The great movement has been birthed forth and is now in place, and soon, you will see this great movement manifest in your midst with great signs, wonders, and miracles. But be ready. Be ready to move with this great movement. Prepare yourself. Clean hands and pure hearts. This is what the Great King requires.
—King Jesus
That is My signature, Susanna, and that is how the message will end. This is to go on the website today. This is what a prophet does, Susanna. You say things ahead of time. This is a warning, and I wanted you to see this so you could ask about it. Today, Susanna. Put this on the website today.
Yes, Lord.
You are hearing more voices, Susanna. Your ears are picking up more in the supernatural. Try not to go ahead of Me in your writing. You see yourself doing this, and this is why I pause. And this is why I don’t continue until you fix or remove what you assumed would be next. Don’t do that. Be careful of that. Just because I said it one way in the past doesn’t mean I will say it the same way each time. Remember this.
Yes, Lord.
A Warning of the Power Level
August 7, 2011
Message from the Lord
Yahweh Says:
All this time, I have been preparing you to carry My great power. All this time was needed because I didn’t want you to suffer the consequences for not being ready. It is not that I am slow in filling you. It is not that. I didn’t want you to be destroyed. We both want to be close to each other, but just because you want that doesn’t mean that I can just allow it. And it is because of My nature.
If I had allowed you to be filled without the proper preparation, it would have destroyed you. And if your spirit was not prepared where you endured the waiting period so I could change you, you would not have been enabled to carry the weight of it. It has literal weight because it is tangible. Even though it is spirit, it is tangible.
Not only is it great power: it is My concentrated presence, where if you were not prepared to carry it, to be close to Me where you have clean hands and a pure heart, it would have destroyed you. If you weren’t trained on handling the great power before you were filled, you would have destroyed yourself, destroyed others, or spoken great levels of destruction into the atmosphere.
You had to be properly trained and warned. And now you see why I have been going in stages with you. You have learned so much, even since being transformed just a few days ago. You have learned so much about My great presence that will accompany the filling. And that is why I mentioned to you that My presence surrounds you. I moved in closer.
Soon, Susanna, all that you have learned will have to come into use, where you walk in it in the real sense of the word, because when you are filled, the consequences for not obeying Me will indeed manifest into various forms of punishment. You must remember all that you have learned over these years. You must remember all that I have told you. You must never forget that it is so much power.
I know this is hard to grasp because you have nothing to compare it to, especially today. There is nothing that you can relate this to. The examples from Scripture are the closest, and since most have never seen great power, they will not know how to be in My presence. That is why I have been giving what is required. I have been telling all for so long that I require clean hands and pure hearts. I have been saying this for so long that there must be no other gods before the One True God.
I have been telling people to turn to Me. I have been telling. How have I been saying these things? I have been giving warnings and calling through My servant. I have been speaking My will, My plan, yet many do not realize that this truly is My plan for today. Many do not realize that these are My words for today. Many don’t see because their eyes are closed. Their ears are closed to what I am doing.
They wouldn’t even inquire of Me. They wouldn’t even seek My will by turning to Me to hear My will. Instead, they turn to their advisors. Instead, they turn to their closest friends. Instead, they turn to the media for advice, for counsel. Instead, they turn to those who are exalted by man. Instead of turning to Me to hear from Me, they turn to humans, to the flesh, to man’s will for counsel when I am speaking, when I am saying, “Listen to My Spirit.” All they have to do is seek My will by turning to Me. Do you hear?
I am calling out to My people. I am saying I am about to do things they have not seen, and they will witness great things in this land. They will. And even though My people will not believe until they see, I will still call to them to come and be a part of what I am doing. Even now, I am calling My Bride to rise up and take your place in this great movement, in this great gathering of souls. I am calling. I am calling. Your King is calling. Your King is calling.
“Now is the time to break free and answer the call of our Great King. Rise up and take your place in this great movement. Jesus is speaking. Jesus is. Who will listen? Who will hear the call of King Jesus? Now is the time. The Lord says to take your place. We hear You, King Jesus. We hear Your great call, and we will take our place and serve You with clean hands and pure hearts. We answer with our lives, with our hearts, and with undying service to our King.”
—King Jesus
Yahweh (cont.):
You know this is a message, Susanna. Go ahead and put this on the website now. Put all of it on the website and end it with “King Jesus.”
Yes, Lord.
They Will Blame You
August 10, 2011
Message from the Lord
Yahweh Says:
Susanna, you know people will die in My presence. Are you prepared to deal with this, where they blame you? You know they will, just as they will reject the messages you bring even though those are My words. You see, people do not see that these things will take place out of lack of fear of My holy name.
Because they do not honor Me, they will come before Me in My concentrated presence with sin in their lives and idols in their hearts. They will do these things because they do not honor My great name. They do not honor who I am. And so, in My anger, I will destroy those who dishonor Me, those who profane My great name.
I will do this, Susanna. I will destroy those who casually enter My presence, My concentrated presence with sin, with idols, with disrespect. It’s because I am Holy. It’s because I am All-Powerful. It is because I AM. It is because I must be seen as holy. I must be seen as who I AM.
I cannot change My nature to please man, where I allow sin to enter My great presence where I reside in concentrated form. I cannot, and in My anger, I will destroy those who do this. I will not raise them. I will not raise them. It is not that I cannot. I will not because they have sinned in My presence, in My concentrated presence. And you will see this with your own eyes, how I send you to pray to Me to raise one, and then the next day I send you to another to speak words from Me that will produce a death sentence, where that person will die.
It is just as with Moses when he told the children of Israel they would die in the wilderness. That particular generation received a death sentence through My mouthpiece. And this is what will take place today, where you are given words that are a death sentence to some, and for others, I will send you to raise them from death with My great power.
These are your duties, and I am making them known to others so they will know beforehand. They have been warned not to take My great power for granted. They have been warned not to dishonor Me and profane My great name and sin by casually doing so in My great presence where I am in concentrated form.
These are their words of warning that I am giving you to speak because I am a God who must be feared and esteemed. I AM the One True God, Creator of Heaven and Earth. These are My will, My plans. For this is all My will, to speak what I am about to do in this great movement. Many will come to know Me. Many will receive Me, where they say, “Jesus is Lord.”
They will call unto Me, and I will answer. I will hear from Heaven. I will forgive their sin. I will heal their land. I will do these great things. And you will know that there is one God, and His name is Yahweh the Great I AM, and Jesus His Son is the only Way to Heaven, and His Great Spirit is here today revealing Jesus Christ as Lord.
Yahweh (cont.):
This is a hard message, Susanna, but it is a message. The warnings must be clear to all. This goes on the website, Susanna. This goes on the website.
A World-Level Work
August 16, 2011
Lord, earlier today, I was thinking about the Day of Filling, and then I thought about the Day of Pentecost. I also thought about how You said Your great power will come full force, and I was wondering if there are similarities between the two. Is the Day of Filling similar to the Day of Pentecost? But in this case, it would be worldwide, not just in one location as on the Day of Pentecost. What do You think? Was this close to Your will, how I should view this “event” that’s coming?
Message from the Lord
Yahweh Says:
I like how you are viewing it, Susanna, on a greater magnitude than the Day of Pentecost because it will be. It is a worldwide movement that will affect the world as a whole. The Day of Pentecost affected those in that area as well as those who were visiting who spoke other languages, and then it spread out, where other nations heard the Good News.
What’s going to be different about this movement is that the movement itself is already around the world. This great power that is about to fill you will flow through this movement, and also, those who are connected will receive a filter of this great power to do My will throughout the earth. Not just that: the magnitude of the signs, wonders, and miracles will supersede what was done in times past because it is time to bring in this great harvest.
It will take great power to do a work that begins in a worldwide position. It must go out in full force where it shakes the very core of all things, of all religions, and all cultures in place. The world as a whole must see that there is only One True God, and His name is Jesus.
They must know that you serve this One True God who created all things so that they would turn to Him. And this great power is your way to the people. And it is a great platform I will use to bring in so much, including the wealth, the resources, the sales.
All things will stem from this great power that will flow through you and every part of the ministry and the business. And this is why I decide who joins in this work in all areas. It is not a light work, and those who join must understand this. There is a lot of work to do, and we will begin our work in heavy warfare.
This is not going to start off gently, where a few people know what is going on. No, this will begin with such force it will be made known. All things will be affected by this move of My Spirit that is about to take place. All things. And it is so the world will be prepared for the return of Christ the Messiah, the One True God, Creator of Heaven and Earth.
Wow, Lord. Thank You for Your insight. I am so excited about what You are about to do.
Susanna, this is a message. I want you to let others know what is in store for all things, as well as for those who join. Do you see how we have progressed? We are done calling in all areas. Now we are just waiting for the Day of Filling. And this was not a call for more to join. We have our team and every other area in place. This is just letting all know what My plan is for those who are a part of this great work. Yes, Susanna, we are speaking it forth so that My will will manifest. This is My will for all who are joined to this great work. Add this to the website today, as well as to your excerpts. Yes, Susanna, to your excerpts on the website.
Yes, Lord.
The Merging and Worship
August 21, 2011
Lord, I am here, listening, waiting to hear from You.
Do you sense Me, Susanna?
Yes, Lord, I sense Your presence.
What does it feel like?
It feels like I am wrapped in love, very pure love, where it fills me and the deepest longings of my heart. At the same time, I feel You moving close to my skin, where there is a literal moving about. It is hard to describe this, where I sense Your presence in the spirit realm, and at the same time, I can feel You moving against my skin, my flesh. Or maybe You are actually moving against My “spirit man,” but I can also feel this movement, this closeness, with my natural body. I know You understand, but I do not know for sure if I am discerning this well. I feel closer to You, Lord, where it feels that I am in Your presence in a deeper way more often. Not sure if I am discerning well there, either. Please reveal my heart; show me Your will. Please speak Your will so I can embrace Your will with all of this.
Message from the Lord
Yahweh Says:
We have gotten closer, Susanna. We have gotten so much closer, even more than yesterday. With every step, we are moving closer. We are moving closer to that day. It’s as with anything else: before a merge, both objects have to move close. And this is what you and I are doing in the spirit realm. We are moving closer together. And as we move closer, you experience more of My presence.
Yes, even though we are close, you are not filled with My great power yet, which means we still have to move to get to that place where you are filled. Each day, we are moving. And this is why I have been telling you we are moving even now because we are moving towards each other until you are filled, where we will move as one.
This is why you are experiencing more of Me. This is why you begin to cry, or you begin to worship. But what have I been saying to you when you do these things? Get up; get used to My presence, where you can handle it. Yes, that is My answer for you when you begin to worship because you sense so much more.
With great presence filling you, along with this great power, you cannot stop wanting to worship, where you lay on the floor all day. Yes, My presence will be so strong where you want to do this, but because you have to work, you will not be able to spend every moment during. It is because My concentrated presence will be in you, and you will want to worship all day and all night.
Now, I want you to think about what worship truly is. What is worship? How do you worship? Is it by an act such as lying on the ground or raising your hands, or dancing or singing? Is this worship? Think about this. Yes, you can show outward signs to reflect what is truly in your heart.
You can show by outward appearance what is truly in your heart. But what am I looking at? I look at your heart. I look to see if your heart is pure towards Me. I look to see if you have given Me your will, yourself, your way, where you worship Me in spirit and in truth.
What does that truly mean? First, it means your heart is turned towards Me; you are not rebelling against Me; you are embracing Me, My will, all that I have; you are coming before Me with clean hands and a pure heart. This is why I look at hearts because it’s where your true feelings and will towards Me lie.
Your heart carries your true way towards Me—not rituals, not outward signs. But when you’re overwhelmed in your worship, you reflect what’s in yourself through outward signs of dancing, clapping, laying before Me, and so on. This is not for all, as you are thinking, because some are just used to doing the ritual of a dance or holy shouts, so to speak, where when the music starts, they start. But when the music stops, they stop as well because then they are only going off of what is taking place at that moment.
So, truly, what is worship? It is a life set apart unto Me, where you desire to serve Me with your whole heart, where you have clean hands and a pure heart towards Me. Those who love Me show this by obeying all that I give them to do. This is also worship because you are putting Me first in every area.
It’s not necessarily a certain style of music. It is what lies in the heart of the one who is reaching out to Me. It is pursuing Me in all things. It is seeking My will concerning every area, not just on Sunday morning or when in a church service. This is not how I want people to view worship. Worship in itself is an intimate act where you present yourself as a living sacrifice, where you come before a holy, righteous, just God; give yourself, your will, and your life to Him to use as He wills for His purpose and glory.
This is true worship, where you give yourself to Him to be led by His Spirit, and you do whatever He gives you to do. This is worship. You are to worship Me day and night by always doing My will, always coming before Me with clean hands and a pure heart. You maintain this level of worship by allowing Me to continue to do heart checks, where you come to Me and ask Me to search yourself, your will, your life, and your heart for anything that is not pleasing to Me. This is what must be done continually.
Your body itself, as all believers, is My temple. Your body is where My Spirit resides, and you must take care of your body, where you do not defile it with the things of this world, the lust of the flesh, the pride of life. You do not abuse this temple that I live in. You must honor Me and take care of this temple.
You must guard what you see, whether it is out in the world or on the TV. Do not allow yourself to be unguarded, where you look at whatever comes your way. You must guard your eye gates and your ear gates to keep My temple clean. You must not be swift to speak, where you speak things that bring harm to others.
You must remember I am Holy, and I must be seen as holy, where I am honored and revered. You must not allow anyone to take My place in yourself, where they become more important than Me….Do not do this with world leaders or with church leaders. Do not do this with anyone, where you exalt them over Me.
I AM Who I AM. I AM the One True God, Creator of Heaven and Earth. I am the same yesterday, today, and forever. This is My will, My way to worship Me, where you worship Me in spirit and in truth. Do not come before Me with sin in yourself or deceitful lies in your mouth. Do not come before Me saying one thing with your lips, yet your way towards Me is truly wicked.
I want worship that is truthful, where you mean what you say, where you say how you truly think, and what truly lies within yourself. This is what I want. No more pretend. No more form of godliness. No more show for the crowds to enjoy. No more. Come to Me so I can burn all of the man-pleasing from your way of doing worship. Come to Me so I can show you My will, My true will. Come to Me, where you can drink of all that I have. Connect with Me in spirit, where your spirit communes with My Spirit. Deeper. Let’s go deeper.
Let’s drink where we are one in Spirit, where you feel My heartbeat and truly experience so much more of My will for this movement. Drink of My will. Let us drink together, where we commune on another level. Let us do this. Let us come together, where we meet. Let us dine together, where you taste and see so much more of what I am about to do and what is ready.
Begin to move with Me. Move with Me. Join in and move with My movements. Move as I move. Do what I lead you to do. Follow Me. Follow Me. This is how I want your worship to come to Me, where you are able to drink of Me and worship Me in spirit and in truth.
Yahweh (cont.):
Susanna, this is a message. Do you know why I am having so many messages go out? It is because I want people to never say I wasn’t revealing My will. I want there to always be a word as I move forward with each step so that all will know My will ahead of time and never say God didn’t reveal that because I am. I am revealing My will with each step. All of it is a message from when I alone spoke.
Seek God’s Will
August 22, 2011
I want you to share your heart with Me.
Oh, Lord, it is so hard reading John G. Lake’s book because the things that I read are so different than what I am used to hearing from You. Part of me can see why he said certain things based on how he preached off of a certain Scripture, yet he seems to ignore Your overall theme, so to speak, how You operate in general. He is saying it is always God’s will to heal. And that is Your nature, yet he is also saying that every sickness comes from the enemy, which is not scriptural.
I am thinking right now concerning communion. Your Word says very plainly that if you take communion in an unworthy manner, where there is sin in your life and your heart is not right, it could lead to sickness or even death itself. That tells me that the acts of a person can also bring sickness upon themselves, not Satan. People seem to casually blame the enemy for every sickness and disease and never want to know what the true cause could be. I also think about what You said about blessings and curses in the book of Deuteronomy. Those were conditional blessings, and if someone chose to turn away from You, they would receive the curses as mentioned in Scripture.
I also think about how Satan approached Your throne, and You told him about Job and how he walked in integrity and served You with his whole heart, and Satan wanted to challenge that, and You allowed him to do so, where You gave Satan permission to take everything from Job but his life, just to show that this was a man who was truly in Your will, where he was innocent before You; for he never cursed You despite of losing it all but his life.
Oh, Lord, it just seems that people will claim a particular promise, yet they are not willing to look at the conditions concerning that promise. It’s like the “name it and claim it” group, or those who choose to pull a Scripture out and say, “Yes, this is for me,” yet they don’t read the whole context concerning that Scripture; for quite a few Scriptures are indeed conditional, where it would say, “If you did this, you would receive this.”
Oh, Lord, Your nature, actually thinking about Your nature, puts Your Word in a different light. We must see Your full will and not particularly what we are trained by the world, the church, or our family. We must truly rely on Your Spirit to show us what is taking place at that moment. This requires insight from the Great Holy Spirit. This requires Your wisdom, not pulling out a few Scriptures just to say this is automatically for me because it’s in the Word and I am a child of God.
Message from the Lord
Yahweh Says:
Yes, Susanna. Yes. You are speaking with My wisdom even now, for I am revealing so much to you concerning My will concerning healing and My nature. Many think that if they have a Scripture, it’s automatically going to “work” for them. Now put “work” in quotes because My Word never fails; it is alive and active; it will come to pass.
Now, here is where the problem lies: People will take a Scripture and say, “This is for me,” yet they will not allow Me to show the root cause of whatever they are experiencing. And this is why: What if I say there is sin or demons involved? What if there’s unforgiveness? What if someone has broken their will, where they made a vow to Me, then they didn’t keep that will, that promise?
What if they curse Me by the things they do or say or will in their lives, and yet they expect to receive so much of what I say is available? What if they believe they can live any sort of way and think they can “claim” My will for themselves? Yes, and the word “claim” is also in quotes. I am showing the way the Church today operates. I am showing that people, as a whole, think My will is for them when there is more.
There is a true way to view My will as mentioned in Scripture: it is through the leading of My Spirit. It is by seeking My will for that moment. It is seeking My will, where you come before Me and ask Me what the root cause of a sickness, a disease, a church fallout, a dissension is. It is seeking My will for all things and not trying to use human wisdom to figure out what My will truly is.
Only My Spirit knows My true will in all things. Man has, for so long, gathered data from what others are doing or saying in their churches, in their meeting places instead of seeking My will for this moment. Why is that? It’s because man chooses to follow the way of what they think works. It is because man wants to please others just like them so that they can gain their following and be like those they try to impress.
Why can’t people look to Me to see My will, to see what I am doing for this moment, for this hour? This is what I long for—for those in My Body to come to Me and drink and receive My will from My Spirit, says your God. Stop trying to do things that your will is driving. Allow My will to lead where you seek to know My will for this time, for this season.
Do not assume you know what I am looking for when you have your eyes on your neighbor in this movement. Focus your eyes, your heart, and your will on what I am doing and what I am saying, for this is My will for you. My will is for you to look to Me for wisdom as to how to lead others, how to pray My will, and how to minister. Don’t go on what you think works.
The Spirit of God searches the hearts of men. And what is His will for this hour? Seek God’s will.
Yahweh (cont.):
Yes, Susanna, this is another message. Send this also to your leaders. We will add this as an excerpt as well.
Yes, Lord.
I Never Change
August 23, 2011
Message 1
Lord, there is something on my mind.
Let’s talk about it, Susanna.
I was reading Job, and while I was reading this Book, I thought about Your nature, and I also thought about how people view You. Some look at Jesus in the Old Testament as being one way and look at Jesus in the New Testament as being another. I say it like this because most people don’t realize that the God throughout the Old Testament is the same God of the New Testament. Some think Yahweh is a mean God, while they believe Jesus is a loving God who accepts all things. People use the grace factor and think that they can sin as much as they want and be covered under grace, not realizing that there are still consequences to sin, including curses and disease, as well as separation from You. Yet people should see that God the Father, God the Son, who is called Jesus, and the Great Holy Spirit are One. There is only one God, and God says He never changes.
People don’t like You, Lord, when they read about You in the Old Testament, but they like You as You appear in the New Testament. People think that the Old Testament and the God of it no longer exist or are in effect. They are so focused on grace and God’s love that they fail to see other parts of Your nature, where You are Holy, Just, Righteous, and sin cannot be in Your great presence. If people embrace the plan that You are the same God, the One True God who is in both the Old and the New Testaments of Scripture, they would see that You encompass all things, and You are the same throughout, where You never change, and You will never compromise Your nature to please humans.
Message from the Lord
Yahweh Says:
Susanna, this is indeed how people think of Me. Again, you are being shown a deeper revelation of how man thinks, how they view Me as a whole. They try to separate God and make two Gods—one for the Old Testament and one for the New, yet I am the same God. I never change. My love was just as great in the Old Testament as in the New, but people do not see it this way. They don’t realize that I AM.
Jesus is I AM, and I AM was with Moses at the burning bush when Moses was called to return to Egypt to deliver the people of Israel out of bondage. Jesus said in the Book of John that He is I AM. Jesus is the same God. This same God is the One who met Joshua as the Great Commander of Heaven’s armies. This same God is the One who spoke all of creation into existence.
This is the same God who will return and judge all. And once all have been placed in order, where death has been destroyed, Jesus will give the authority that He received from His Father back to God the Father. And this is also mentioned throughout.
God exalted His Son Jesus so that His name would be the highest, and every knee, every power, every spirit would bow their knee to that name, to Jesus, because all things are under Jesus.
There is no name greater, and there is no one who has more authority and power than the Great I AM. This is where people ought to study My nature throughout Scripture. I came not to destroy the Law. I came to fulfill it. I didn’t come to get rid of what the prophets spoke in Scripture. I came and fulfilled it because many spoke of what I would bring to pass by My coming, My death, and My resurrection.
And soon, more will be fulfilled when I return the second time as conquering King. Yes, I am King, and people must see that I have always been King, even in the Old Testament, when My people wanted an earthly king and rejected Me. It didn’t change My nature because they rejected Me as their King, just as nothing will change who I am today because people only want to see My love. It doesn’t change who I am.
Nothing will change My overall nature, nor will anything change My will. And this is why people must stop viewing Me the way they want by looking at parts of My nature. They must embrace My total will and nature, where they see that the God of the Old Testament is the same God of the New.
And this same God is here on Earth today. Yes, the Great Holy Spirit is this same God of the Bible. He is the Spirit of Christ, and He speaks His will on the Earth today to let all know what His will is so they may drink of Me and follow Me with their whole heart.
Yahweh (cont.):
This is a very powerful message, Susanna. And you see what we are doing. Our lessons, so to speak, on My nature are building, and we are sharing these with the “family” as well. It’s because I want us all to move as one in this great movement. After you are ready to begin your work, this is first, a priority and must go out. Go ahead and do what you need to do, and we will take care of this.
Yes, Lord. Thank You. This is amazing. Thank You, Lord.
We will do the same as we did with the other: Message, then excerpt, then mail out.
Yes, Lord.
The Training Wheels Come Off
August 23, 2011
Message 2
Oh, Lord, there is so much I want to talk to You about. It seems that even my duties, so to speak, are changing and are beginning to reflect work specifically associated with my position, my calling as Your prophet. Before, I was doing lots of tasks here and there. Now it seems as if I am getting a lot of messages, where I am sending a lot more to the “team” and the “family.” Everything is changing in that area as well, where my duties are also changing. Am I seeing this well, Lord? We are moving forward as a movement, while at the same time, You and I are moving closer together as we approach this day of filling. And this is why tasks I once enjoyed seem so boring because I am ready to cross over completely into my new role, where I am established and walking out my call doing “hands-on” ministry out in the field. Is this the way I should view this?
Message from the Lord
Yahweh Says:
Our times together are changing, and you are indeed learning how to move with Me, where we move as so much more. You are also embracing your duties as a prophet to the nations with a worldwide calling. You are giving more messages because that is what a prophet is supposed to do. Just as a preacher preaches and a teacher teaches, you are to deliver My will, My messages, as I lead.
There may be a message that goes out once to all, and then there may be a day where you send multiple messages to different people throughout one day. You must always be prepared to do your duties. And this is what I was referring to when I said I could call you any time, day or night. It is the timing of the message that I look at. They must go out in a certain time frame regardless of what’s going on in the natural.
It is the spiritual impact. That is what I’m looking for to take place, not how it will disturb your day, so to speak. This is why you must always be prepared to speak for Me. When you are released, things may change, where you may receive messages to deliver right on the spot, where you will not have a moment to go to your computer to type it and print before giving it.
You will need to be sure that you are hearing My words so that you can declare My will by speaking whenever I lead you to do so. This is flowing with Me, where we move as so much more. This is where we take off the training wheels, where you move in Me and rely on My leading to carry you through each stage, each minute, where you are delivering a message from Me.
This is important that you repeat only what you hear Me say because you will indeed hear other voices. And you must be able to filter out My voice where you only repeat My will, not what you hear the enemy say, nor what you think in your will. You are moving along in your learning, where you are learning more about My nature and My will as a whole.
And you know, a lot of what we have talked about is too deep for many to think about. It is because many do not seek My will for themselves. They just settle on what others know, and this man-made knowledge is passed down from one generation to the next. People should truly seek My will for this movement.
As soon as you are filled, it will become so clear to many that this indeed is My will, and they will want to be a part of this great movement. It is still up to Me who joins. I will still choose those I want to do this great work and receive so much of My nature, presence, and great power.
Yes, Susanna, I know you are concerned because you think I am disappointed in you because you are ready to move forward in Me. I know that you are ready to experience so much more of My nature, of My will, My great power. I know. And this is why you are so bored. I am not disappointed in you. It is strong within yourself to move forward to receive so much more of Me.
I am doing this within yourself. I am causing these changes to take place within yourself. I am pulling back on the slingshot, ready to release. I am doing these things where you want to be released into this next realm where you walk in all of My great power that will flow in you and through you out to all the world. I know.
You see, we are moving. We are. And you see this based on the messages, how much deeper we are getting when it comes to the revelation you are receiving from Me. Yes, this is all part of My will for you to embrace more, where you are in step with what I am doing, what I will.
You have to understand My nature so when you go out, you will understand more of My will, the way I view things, as well as the way others view Me. Understanding My nature will help when it comes to praying My will as well. This will help you to stay out of walking in the flesh, where you try and figure out what My will is.
Even in your ministry and business, you must know what My will is for that moment where you allow Me to lead every business transaction and every call for ministry and insight. You must let Me be the Head of all areas to stay out of relying on human wisdom because, as you can see, human wisdom is as foolishness to Me. You must think with My will, with My knowledge, the wisdom that comes from the Spirit of God.
Never think that you know more than your God in any situation. I see behind the scenes, and you are learning to move in this as well, where you are drinking from My wisdom to see what I see pertaining to a particular situation or person. This is very important in ministry as a whole. It is very important in business deals—to keep from being deceived.
Do not partner with anyone without seeking My will. Do not go on Christian duty or charity to make others feel accepted. Love others with My will, through My way. Love others with My love so they will receive the right kind of love, not human love. My love is also able to bring a level of peace and healing not available with human love. My love is able to fill the deepest voids of the human heart.
This is why so many do not understand My love, and they compare it with the way they receive love from another human. But I am not human, and I do not have filters within Myself where I filter My love. My love is pure and untainted with sin, and this is why you must drink from Me when you are rejected by the world and the Church because of the messages. You must continually drink from Me to receive your love to help you endure.
No one will be able to give you the level of endurance that will come to you as you drink of My love. This is a must for you because you will soon begin to experience deeper levels of rejection and pain from those outside of yourself, and you must be prepared, where you stand strong in Me. You must drink from Me continually. The rejection will never go away. It is your cross that you will bear until you are here with Me. I say these things to give you a heads-up.
Susanna, we are about to enter the war phase, where we move forward and attack the enemy. You must stand strong with Me and never doubt your call. Yes, even with great power flowing through you, you will still be opposed because it is a war. You will still be rejected even though it is obvious that I am with you and this movement is My will. They will see your body glow with My glory and great power, yet they still will not believe the messages you speak in My name. They will still reject them.
You must stand strong in this great movement, where you do not get weary. You must never forget who you serve. You must never forget you are a servant of the Lord. You are a prophet of the Lord Most High. Never forget who you are in Christ, no matter who is on your side. Stand strong with your God and serve Him with your whole heart.
Continually look to Him for strength to do this great work. Even if all choose to leave you, stand with your God and serve Him with your whole heart. Continually serve Him no matter who stands with you.
The Lord God, the One True God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, is with you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. You are His chosen vessel for this great move of God, where you are called to preach the Kingdom and prepare the world for the return of Christ. This is from your King.
—King Jesus
Yahweh (cont.):
This is a message, Susanna, all of My words. I love you. I love you, My daughter, and I will never leave you. I will never forsake you. I will never abandon you—never. I am looking forward to being with you throughout eternity. Serve Me well. Serve Me well. It is all worth it. It truly is. Great is your reward. Eternity with Me—no greater reward. I have already prepared a place for you, and you have seen this place. And soon, you will be with Me on a different realm where nothing will ever tear you away, where nothing will ever come between what we have, where nothing will ever hurt you. Soon, My daughter. Soon. Serve Me well. I am with you. I love you. I love you. Your Father, your God loves you. Never doubt. Know that I am always with you. I am in you, and My Spirit is with you to lead you every step of the way until we see each other without filters. I am looking forward to that. I know you are as well.
God’s Will is Kingdom Order
August 24, 2011
Oh, Lord, I was reading over a conversation I had with You, and we talked about Your nature, how it is Your will to heal. And then I realized that it is also in Your nature to bring sickness upon those who choose to rebel against You based on a covenant agreement such as with the children of Israel, also mentioned in the Book of Deuteronomy. Not just that: Your nature is one of covenant, where You cannot break Your will, Your covenant, and it is humans that break the covenant they have with You….At the same time, You have to keep Your Word and carry out Your covenant, even if someone chooses to sin against You. You have to follow through with Your will because You are God, and You never change. Even if it means punishing someone You love so much, You have to keep Your will, Your Word, and whatever You have said in this covenant. And this also includes those who sin or disobey Your will or rebel against You by breaking covenant with You. Your full nature is not only to bring healing: You also have to carry out the covenant agreement in place to those who choose to break the agreement, whether it’s sickness, death, or curses. A covenant is serious in Your eyes, and as God, You will follow through either way.
Message from the Lord
Yahweh Says:
Yes, Susanna, within My full nature, My will will include both blessings and curses. Within My nature is My will to heal, to bring true healing to all. And this is why Jesus came: to restore a relationship between mankind and God, where fellowship is restored.
But even when this relationship is restored, people can still choose to rebel against their God, where they willingly choose to allow sin, sickness, disease, or curses to enter themselves. It doesn’t mean that they are no longer My child. It means that they are allowing other things to rule within themselves.
This is how a covenant works. I never change where I will say, “This is My law,” and then the next day, I will say, “I didn’t like that law, so here is one for today because it’s so much better.” My will is always good. My way is always best.
I put before all people blessings and curses, where each can choose the path he or she will take. It is not My will for any to choose curses, but I make it very plain throughout My Word: I allow all people to choose who they will serve. All of mankind has to decide which path, which way they will live. I can only offer so much, and I have because I have given Myself. I make covenants because that is My nature. That is also My will for humans to be in covenant with Me.
How deep is this covenant? Do you know that salvation is also a form of covenant, where a person chooses to give Me their life and allows Me to live within themselves? When this takes place, that person not only receives eternal life. They also immediately have access to My Kingdom and all the benefits within. That person now has access to all of My Kingdom, where they have legal right to My will within My Kingdom. They now are in a form of covenant with Me.
And even though My child may be in covenant with Me, they may still choose to go their own way, where they choose not to embrace My will pertaining to the will concerning their individual life. For example, I may say to a person to go to a particular school or attend a particular church or gathering. They think it is not from God and choose to go their own way. This is where some of My children are on greater waiting periods because they want to do their own will instead of seeking My will to move into their calling in a quicker time frame.
What about those who break covenant in other ways, such as communion? They will experience the consequences of breaking My will concerning coming before Me with clean hands and pure hearts. Some will experience sickness, and some will experience death because it is stated those were My will concerning how to take communion before a Holy God.
What about those who do not put Me first in their tithes and offerings? How can I bless them if they are cursed by My will? I cannot.
This note is added later from Yahweh:
I know the old ways of giving are no longer. But when a person vows something to Me, whether by tithes or offerings, there must be a follow through.
It is also the same way of dealing with for those who go against My will and rebel.
What is witchcraft? It is a terrible sin in My eyes that breaks our relationship. But people do not see rebellion on the same level as witchcraft, but it is, in My eyes. Rebellion is as witchcraft. Not doing My will, where I command you to follow through with a duty or will—that in My eyes is rebellion. It is sin. Now, how does this affect our covenant relationship? It brings a level of separation.
Sin separates people from God. Sin breaks covenant. My Spirit will show others of sin in their lives, but it is up to those to seek My will and not continually rebel, where they choose to seek their own will. And this is why I have this level of protocol in place, where you must have clean hands and pure hearts before Me, where you allow no other gods to take My will from within yourself.
This is where covenant is broken when people allow sin to take over, where they are led by their selfish desires. This is where people are confused about grace. They think because there is grace, you can continually sin. But if the Spirit of God lives within you, shouldn’t there be a form of transformation that takes place within? Should you continually sin because there is grace? No. Whom the Son has set free is truly free.
This saying to continually walk in sin and break covenant with God implies that the blood of Jesus is not able to set the sinner free. But now, what happens to those who are living for Jesus, yet they think that because they are in Christ, they can do or live any way they desire because they are in Christ. This also is a wrong way to think because your body is the temple of the Spirit of the Living God. You cannot connect yourself to a harlot when you are connected in Christ.
There must be a level of separation where you are holy unto God. You cannot dabble in the world and live for God. You must choose who you will serve from your will, where you choose God from your heart. Any less service says that God is not first in your will, in your way, which means there are other ones or wills that take God’s place within yourself. Doesn’t this mean that you are not walking in covenant with God?
God must be the only God within yourself. Within yourself. I say it again. God must be the only God within yourself. People must see that living for Jesus is a form of covenant because everything God does revolves around a form of promise, where He must keep His will, His Word, and bring it to pass—whether it is a blessing, curses, sickness, disease, or salvation itself.
For if God doesn’t keep His will, His nature concerning all things that He has willed, He will cease to hold His position as the One True God, Creator of Heaven and Earth. God will never cease to be God, and so we can be assured that all that He has spoken will surely come to pass. Whatever God wills is law and will come to pass. So speaks your King.
—King Jesus
Yahweh (cont.):
Yes, Susanna. This is another message. Great insight in this as well. You can see we are still learning more, where you are learning to grasp more of My will, My nature as a whole. I say “we” because, as your Teacher, I am taking you through this, and this is why I say we are learning. We are doing this together because we are learning to move as one, where you are able to move with Me, where we move as so much more. Let’s do this today. Let’s put this on the website. I will show you what to do after that point.
Yes, Lord.
Clean Hands and Pure Hearts
August 26, 2011
Message from the Lord
Yahweh Says:
All this time, Susanna, and now you truly understand how worship and warfare are tied in together. It is not by singing a particular song or doing a certain dance or ritual. It is a heart encounter. It is truly a matter of the heart, where one must come to Me with clean hands and a pure heart. Lip service will not bring you closer to Me. I must have your heart so that you can worship Me in spirit and in truth.
You see, this is where My people get it wrong. They consider worship based on the timing of a song or if there is a moment of quiet in their midst when, all along, I am looking at their hearts to see whether they are pure before Me.
Not everyone who says they are My friend truly is. Coming to church will not make you a friend of the Lord Most High. It takes separation from the world, where you are holy unto Me, where you serve Me with clean hands and pure hearts. No lip service to the King. And this is what I have been receiving.
People want to go deeper in Me, where they receive so much more of Me, yet they are not willing to be completely transparent within themselves, where they bring Me every hurt and pain, every woundedness that has caused them to feel unloved and unwanted. Yet people expect Me to just ignore these things, where they can continually hate their neighbor and yet say they love their God. How can this be when God is love itself?
My nature is one of love, yet people have so much hate within themselves for those they live with or work with, and some hate those they serve with—whether it’s in the church or out on the field. This is a serious issue within My Body as a whole. People cannot love God and hate those they see every day. Don’t come before Me, saying you are My friend, yet you have hatred in your heart for the one you see every day.
Do not say that you love Me, yet you will not serve Me with your whole heart, where you are completely obedient to My will. Do not say you love your God, yet you choose to have other gods in place of where the One True God should be. Do not say you are a follower of Jesus when you are living a life of sin and hate your neighbor. Do not say these things.
Your heart shows your true nature towards Me, not how you come in dressed up on Sunday morning after yelling at your loved one the day before, not after you are living in sin with your lover, yet you think I do not notice. Do not come before Me with dirty hands and filthy hearts, saying that you are My friend. Your lips speak lies. Your lips speak deceitfulness. Your heart shows your true way towards Me. You may fool people, but you can never fool Me.
I search the hearts of all mankind. What am I looking for? Clean hands and pure hearts. To truly worship Me, you must offer Me clean worship, where your will is not placed before My will, where you come before a Holy God, seeking His will with all your heart. Offer Me the praise and worship I deserve, but do it with clean hands and pure hearts.
You cannot think you will be able to stand in a spiritual war with a life full of sin. You must come clean with your God and worship Him in spirit and in truth. Fight spiritual wars with spiritual weapons. Do not cloud yourself with your earthly will, where you think you know more than your God. The Spirit of the Living God is here today to teach you how to walk in this great movement.
Do not think you will be able to stand with sin in your heart, with deceit from your lips. Choose this day who you will serve. If God: serve Him with clean hands and pure hearts. This is the way to walk. This is the way of worship, where your life is offered to the One True God as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to Him.
This is what God is looking for: those who will worship Him in spirit and in truth. This is from your King—the One True God, Creator of Heaven and Earth.
—King Jesus
Yahweh (cont.):
This is a message for the website. Put this up today. I will show you what to do from that point on.
Yes, Lord.
The Movement is Getting Pushed
September 8, 2011
Message 1
Message from the Lord
Yahweh Says:
Do you sense what I am feeling, Susanna? I see that you are taking My will as your own. And this is good that you are doing this. I am well pleased with your will, how it embraces My will. I have made up My will, where it will no longer include their ministries. Now we are free to move on into deeper waters. You knew there would be a chance for this to take place, but did you think it could be so soon? Now My will is set where I will not change My will no matter how much they weep and mourn.
I am not mourning. I am not weeping over this loss. This is different. They knew better than to continue to do their own will instead of pursuing Mine. I will not tolerate this way of living towards Me. I will not. And so, we will move from this and continue to go forward.
What do you think has happened in the supernatural realm? Now, those who remain are made to do this work, where they are strengthened. You see it. It’s as if the Body has been strengthened, where it is solid. There are no people who remain who are rebelling against My will. No longer do they remain. And you see why this had to be taken care of before this great power fills you.
A lot of these details you do not see until it is time to deal with them. But I see all things and see what will hinder the great movement as a whole. And I told you, I do not want any rebellion in My camp, in My Body within this great movement. I know that a Covering such as this is indeed difficult to maintain in your own will and strength. And this is why you must come to Me and drink My will, where you do My will, not man’s.
Others would say you’re being too lenient if you did what you wanted, while others would say you are being too difficult when you do My will. You cannot please the people. You must always do My will no matter who agrees. This is critical to running a worldwide ministry. And that is why I had you add that new ministry name under your name.
Yes, Susanna, I am seeing the future, and this new way of presenting yourself will reflect your position in the supernatural realm; for now, the ministries are indeed on a worldwide level where you will begin to move in this ministry in this way very soon. When you are filled, the movement itself will explode, where it moves in great power because My power will fill this movement.
I am well pleased with what is about to take place very soon. I am well pleased with this. And now I am increasing your will, where I am placing more will upon yourself. You will begin to move in this even right now. I am placing a greater weight upon yourself even now, where you will begin to carry more of the weight of the ministries upon yourself. Even now, it has begun. Even now. And yes, you see the Body itself solidify into what I have called it to be.
And now, I will cause this weight to filter, even so, throughout this great work so that those who are connected will begin to receive so much more, including the will that I have in place. Soon you will be moving, where you leave this area and go to the place I have called you. You will leave the area where you are now to be, where your headquarters will remain on a permanent basis.
You will leave your will, where you embrace My will in all things, in all areas. You are to move as one with Me. And when you are filled with My great power, you will indeed have My will deeply ingrained within your will, where you follow My will with your whole heart, where nothing will stand in your way and prevail.
People will come against you. They will speak against My will as I say it in My messages. They will speak against My will because they will think those words were yours. I know who will keep My will even before My will is spoken. I know those who are truly My children. I know those who love Me from their heart. I know those who have chosen to do all that I have spoken, where they follow My will and obey My Word. I know those who are truly My children.
No one needs to think I do not have a way to weed out those who aren’t Mine. I do, and it will become more obvious as this great movement explodes. The religious will dig their heels in even deeper, where they push their own will. They will not like what I am doing and will speak against My great movement. They will not like My will because they want to follow their will.
Even with all the signs. Even with all the supernatural signs, people will still not embrace this movement. They will continually choose to rebel, where they serve their own will and think they are doing My will. What would it take for those who doubt to believe this is truly My will, to bring in a mighty harvest? What would it take for those who doubt to believe these are truly My will? What would it take?
Would I have to change the way things are done, where the supernatural invades the natural, where My presence transforms and changes the work being done in My Church, in My Body? What will it take for people to believe My will, where I say I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh? People can’t believe because they cannot see. If they choose to turn to Me for wisdom, they would think My will.
As people choose to come to Me and allow Me to draw them into My great nature, they will begin to see with My vision, not what they want to see. People must come to Me to see what I am doing throughout the earth in this new movement that is now set in place. People must see through My vision to have a true perspective of what I will. There is no other way to know My will. You must come and drink My will to receive it.
So much will change after you are filled with My great power. So much will move into place so that this great harvest of souls will come into the Kingdom. You have waited a long time to receive this flow of My great power throughout your being. And the day is quickly approaching, where it is so near.
The Body, My Rain That Heals Body, is now ready to be filled, where it produces such a great force throughout this movement, all will know that I have spoken, and these are truly My will. This is from the Great I AM, the One True God, Creator of Heaven and Earth. This is from your King.
—King Jesus
A Dream from Lawrence
September 8, 2011
Message 2
Message from the Lord
(Message concerning Pastor Lawrence’s dream)
“A Dream from Lawrence”
Yahweh Says: